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Industrial Building Design Research Under The Perspective Of Suitable Tectonic

Posted on:2016-08-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B TangFull Text:PDF
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Industry is the material foundation to promote the development of modern society and the power source, is one of the most important material production departments, long-term occupies a dominant position in the national economy. Industrial building as direct services in the industrial production of space carrier, is used with general civil building function aspect, but still belongs to the architectural design field, and occupies a considerable proportion of the construction in the city, so the design of industrial building construction problems cannot be ignored.In recent years, with the rapid development of economy, our country’s material, the technology has improved, but this should be the embodiment of national industrial power industrial construction development is relatively lagging behind. Because of modern industrial technology update frequency is accelerated, industrial building, use fixed number of year to shorten and economic investment, leading to the lack of necessary attention in terms of building quality, generally presents the status quo of "thousand factory side", and in a lot of attention to the external performance of the industrial architecture cases there is also a decoration construction concept such as pure, strange shape the lack of phenomenon. In the present economic globalization, opening to the outside world is developing in depth, and speed up the adjustment of industrial structure optimization, the domestic industrial building is facing the challenge of the new era, and the design of the common problem of low construction quality severely hampered the further development of industry, therefore, the domestic industrial building design should be pay more attention.This article attempts through the development of industrial buildings at home and abroad since 1950 s, exploring the fundamental reason for affecting the development of industrial buildings, then in the process of development of industrial buildings at home and abroad at various stages of the external environment factors in the transverse comparison and analysis, found that the design of industrial building the building is always in harmony with the external environment for the development of society, the changes of factors such as economy, technology and concept always timely reflected in the industrial buildings. In addition, foreign industrial building universal attention in the process of the construction of the building, focusing on delicate expression of structure, material, structure, and the construction of foreign architects for a long time consciousness. According to the current situation of the domestic industrial structure problem, the article proposed in view of construction suitability focused on industrial architecture design solution. The third chapter is the construction suitability perspective next industrial architecture design strategy shall be discussed in this paper, mainly from the structure, material, construction of industrial building, applicability, economy and expressive Angle studied respectively, and use case interpretation industrial buildings at home and abroad to strengthen the argument persuasive. In the fourth chapter, the article use four industrial construction projects of the actual engineering case conducted an empirical study on the design strategy, in the form of theory to guide practice, in the practice process of the construction suitability design strategy for validation. Last hope this article can cause to the attention of the domestic industrial building design and construction quality, and can be reference, under the background of new era environment suitable for the needs of the development of national characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:industrial building, construction suitability, design strategy
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