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Research On Cost Management Of Urban Sewage Project In The Early Phase

Posted on:2015-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M N WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452970188Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urban sewage project is an im portant factor to m eet the social and econom icsustainable developm ent, it is to protec t the natura l en vironment, an im portantprerequisite for improving people’s material living standards. Urban sewage project ispart of the Municip al Engineering. In recent years, the state has increased m unicipalinfrastructure support, and has invested a lot of manpower and material resources inthe construction of m unicipal works, especi ally in the construction of urban sewagesystem, whi ch m akes cost m anagement of public works has gradually becom e apublic concern.After the analysis of the dom estic developm ent situa tion of control cost, theauthor summed up the com position and characteristics of urban sewage system, andcombined with the engineering practice, summed up some factors influencing the costof it. Pointing out that the m ain focus of the cost management should be focused onthe early stages which is the decision-m aking and prelim inary design phase. Thesetwo phases is the foundation and key to th e whole construction project investm entcontrol.Then summarizing the app roaches of preparation of Investm ent Estimationand the Design estimates.This paper expounds the m ain problems existing in currentdecision-making and design stage of urban sewage project, and puts forward thecorresponding counterm easure combined wi th the working practice. T aking theLvliang New Town sewage treatm ent plant as an exam ple, the author introduce themethod of investment control in the feasibility study stage and the principle of how touse financial analysis to determine the price of sewage treatment. And then describeshow to use the value engineering m ethod in the prelim inary design phase for thedesign scheme comparison. Practice has prov ed that the use of value m anagementideas on various stakeholde rs to analyze the project stakeholders can ensure acomprehensive decision-m aking, and the us e of value engineering approach t ospecific preferred construction scheme can improve returns on investment in ensuringthe functional premise.
Keywords/Search Tags:sewage disposal project, early stage, cost management
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