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Li Jing Symbolic Conception

Posted on:2015-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A H XueFull Text:PDF
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Chinese classical garden is a concentrated expression of Chinese traditionalthinking and design practices. However, the limited space of modern interior designfeatures and design philosophy, and traditional garden design presents anincompatible situation. Research and analysis of traditional garden design techniques,through traditional gardens and modern interior design are blended to achieve aconsistent design philosophy and design technique has important significance. Fromthe conception, Li Jing, a symbol of the three point of view, study of traditionalgarden design method in the present interior design. The main conclusions are:First, the traditional gardening technique influenced by traditional Chineseculture, is the interpretation of traditional Chinese culture and improvement in thelevel of thinking. However, modern interior design in the context of technologicalprogress and development of the times, the formation of a variety of genres, thesegenres and traditions very different from the idea of the garden, to seek theintegration of traditional garden design techniques and modern interior design conceptis very necessary. From a practical perspective, the traditional garden designtechniques and modern interior design has some of the same values, form andfunction to create a gimmick.Secondly, in the conception level, an important way to blend the traditional andthe modern landscape garden design is the venue narrative, collision three designconcepts, such as the use of symbolic elements. Space is described by the venuescene reproduction, simulated field conditions in the past; collision designphilosophy is to design different forms against each other, forming a contrast to thesense of space. Symbolic elements that make full use of various abstract elementsform the emotional resonance of the space environment.Third, from the management perspective view, traditional garden spaceorganization are: small in the big, possession of dew desirable, density has caused somodern interior design emphasizes the relationship between penetration andintegration of space, segmentation and interaction. By the overall layout of the space,the space by the King, King barrier leakage King and Tim King, etc., can achieve the traditional gardening practices and modern interior design integration.Fourth, from the symbolic level, the geographical context of the major sources oftraditional garden natural landscape and cultural landscape, expressing thegeographical context imagery has pipa, GAO Xuan shadow and so on. In the regionalcultural heritage in the main design color and texture, and its expression in the formof reproduction and translation.Fifth, the paper studies the Banyan Tree Hotel design case, through the analysisof Banyan Tree hotel design concept, space and styling elements, furtherdemonstrates the traditional garden design techniques for use in interior design.
Keywords/Search Tags:gardening practices, interior design, Chinese landscape, appliedresearch
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