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Fuzzy Synthetic Discrimination Of Durability Of Steel Structure In The Iron And Steel Enterprises

Posted on:2015-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452468332Subject:Architecture and Civil Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Steel structure due to its advantages of high strength, light weight, fast constructionspeed, good anti-seismic performance, has been widely adopted.But the steel structurein various corrosive environment vulnerable to corrosion, impact steel structureperformance and appearance integrity, lead to degradation ability of steel structuresafety and normal use.The durability of steel structure there is a serious problem.The steel structure which is different from traditional coating quality and corrosiondegree two aspects to evaluate the durability of the steel structure.In this paper, in-depthanalysis of atmospheric environment influence on the durability of steel structure, andcombining with the iron and steel industry process caused by the high temperature, highhumidity, corrosive gas, etc of steel structure durability degradation effectfactors.Environment corrosive factors added to the steel structure of durabilityevaluation system, the corrosion by the environmental factors, the degree of corrosioncoating quality and to evaluate the durability of steel structure.Based on the thorough analysis on the basis of the theory of fuzzy comprehensiveevaluation, the first successful introducing fuzzy comprehensive evaluation theory ofsteel structure durability evaluation, and establish a set of complete evaluationsystem.Set up five kind of evaluation standard,To establish the factors affect thedurability of steel structure hierarchy standard table,At all levels was established basedon fuzzy mathematics theory, the evaluation factors for the durability grade ofmembership function.Considering the weight of evaluation factors on the evaluationvalue target, the asymmetric progress principle, it is concluded that to assess thedurability of structure level.Results tally with the actual test results with application value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ironand steel enterprises, Thesteel structure, The durability of the structure, Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
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