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Analysis On The Design Household Coffee Machine In The Domestic Market

Posted on:2012-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452461825Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of China’s economy and the improving of people’sliving condition, the exotic---coffee has been more and more popular by Chinesepeople. According to an incomplete statistics, China’s annual domestic consumptionof coffee has increased by more than40%, while its retail coffee at an annual growthrate of25%and has maintained a strong tendency. Compared with the prosperity ofcoffee market, appliances for coffee especially coffee machine are left in the cold bythe people.Although China is a manufacturing country of mass coffee machines (OEMbased), apparently in the domestic market, there is no tailor made design for our ownnational conditions, but only the OEM copy of the foreign system. In foreigncountries, coffee is a common kind of drink, and its target consumers are and versatile.In China, affected by the traditional culture, especially the tea culture, the coffeeconsumers focus on only people born in the1970s,1980s even among young peopleborn in the1990s who can accept new things. They are often physically and mentallyfatigued by family and career. With the improvement of economy, social status andthe demand for high quality coffee, they want quick, convenient access to a cup ofhealthy coffee. Therefore, this paper analyses a series of factors which affect thedesign of coffee machine in the domestic market, expecting to offer a reference to thedesign in the future.This paper is divided into five chapters, the first chapter introduces the researchobjectives, methods, viewpoints of innovation and significance; A variety of types andthe advantages and disadvantages of coffee, coffee appliances, coffee machines areoutlined in Chapter II, paving the way for the subsequent chapters. The third chapteranalyzes the relevant factors of household coffee machine to analyze, and explains thedesign principles for the household coffee machine to provide a theoretical basis fordesign and evaluation. Chapter IV makes a detailed analysis of the status and thepresence of the main problems of the use of household coffee machine, and on thisbasis, it combines company’s practice, submits the corresponding design trends, anddescribes the design basis to provide the design practice, so as to relates theory with practice, providing a better test of theory.Through journals, libraries, media, Internet and other means of investigationmethods, this paper aims to develop the domestic market of the coffee machine,bystarting a detailed analysis of the various types of household coffee machines andsummarizing the advantages and disadvantages. Combining the elements ofhousehold coffee machines with the design principles of them, it is based on theanalysis of the appliance situation and the present problems the target consumers tomeet the conditions of our country’s domestic coffee machine design trends. As astudent, my knowledge is limited, may be this paper’s function is just to provide abasis fort better ideas, but after all it is a meaningful step towards the development ofthe domestic market of our home coffee machine.
Keywords/Search Tags:domestic coffee machines, elements, designprinciples, design trends
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