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The Study On Traffic Space And Streets Of Cities On The Old Road Between Nanyang And Xiangyang

Posted on:2015-08-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330452450185Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The downtown traffic space and streets of the old road between Nanyang andXiangyang are the carriers of various transportation activities. Transportation plays adominant role in the formation and development of downtown areas. Throughouthistory of cities and towns in China and abroad, its origin or downfall both has closerelation to the existence of transportation. The traffic space in Nanyang andXiangyang downtown areas are extensive, covering fields of Chinese transportationhistory, external transportation routes of both waterways and land roads, morphologyand structure of downtown streets, traffic architecture and so on, which are valuablefor researches.This project is a subdivision of studies on morphology and cultural features ofancient downtown areas on the old road between Nanyang and Xiangyang. First andforemost, this thesis began with researches on traffic spacial systems of ancient citiesfrom home and abroad, introducing formation and evolvement of downtowntransportation in Nanyang and Xiangfan districts. Under the restriction of geography,military affairs, politics and economy, it formed the unique traffic space in Nanyangand Xiangyang. Its evolvement endured formation in Pre-Qin period, vicissitudes inQin, Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, development in Sui and Tang Dynasties as well asshifting between horses and boats in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Incontemporary society, various factors like the nature, economy and human effects ledto decline of Nanyang and Xiangyang with downtown areas also developing slowlyand decaying gradually.In addition, this thesis conducts researches on traffic special features of the oldroad between Nanyang and Xiangyang comprehensively from three aspects-regionaltraffic space, downtown street space and traffic architecture. The regional trafficspace concentrates on districts of Nanyang and Xiangyang, studying water transportation, the principle line and land routes, the adjuvant line. With boatsprevailing in the south and horses, in the north, the roads are thronged with horsesand carriages. Besides, affected by Chinese traditional Confucian etiquette ideology,the second aspect presents two forms-inner city web mode and organic mode of outercity and downtown areas. The third aspect-traffic architecture mainly focuses onbridges, passes, post houses and wharfs and illustrates their developing process andspecial forms in Nanyang and Xiangyang context.Finally, this paper generalizes the cultural features in Nanyang and Xiangyangtraffic space based on above studies, inducing as poetic culture as ancient road withwest wind, overload of boats and horses, street culture and migration culture. Theprofound cultural connotation enables traffic space between rural areas and urbanareas in Nanyang and Xiangyang Districts more valuable for researches and moreaccessible in understanding special evolvement.It explores traffic space and streets on current basis in historical downtown areason the old road between Nanyang and Xiangyang by authentic investigation in thatarea, checking up relative literature reviews and investigating local residents. Theresearch achievements would provide theoretical proofs for development oftransportation career, heritage application from cultural perspective and conservationof historical streets in downtown areas of Nanyang and Xiangyang Districts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Old road between Nanyang and Xiangyang, Traffic space, Streets, Transportation culture
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