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Research Of Zaoyuan Village Tea Garden Planning And Design In Xixiang Hanzhong

Posted on:2015-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sightseeing tea garden is a kind of sightseeing agricultural park, which can be efficientlydevelop and utilize the existing tea industry resources, adjust and optimize the tea productionand management structure, expand the tea product sales market, promote the effectiveextension of related industries such as predominant tea restaurant industry, business andtourism, improve and protect the ecological environment of tea garden, so as to promote thesustainable development of tea industry.Xixiang county of Hanzhong City is a big tea-led county, while Zaoyuan village is the siteof “east yu mingyuan garden", which is one of "four big tea garden". We investigated thesigthtseeing tea garden on the basis of Jujube village and obtained its landscape planning asfollows:1. Guiding ideology: Our theme is tea production, tea culture as characteristic, and the teaculture, tea science and technology demonstration and tea leisure were integrated as a whole.To follow the overall guiding ideology, our focus was on mining zaoyuan regional cultureconnotation of tea culture and sightseeing tea garden landscape, striving to combinelandscape design and tea culture, attracting tourists and promoting tea economy.2. Principle: We obey the principle of integrity and openness; ecological and economic;construction with immediate and long-term planning; characteristics and diversity; culturaland educational; experimental and participatory.3. We analyzed the basic functions, characteristics and development prospects the sightseeingtea garden based on the mutual penetration and combination of the production and operationof sightseeing tea garden structure.4. We divided Zaoyuan village sightseeing tea garden into nine functional zones such asleisure tea garden area, science and technology garden area and ecological immigration.5. A sightseeing tea garden planning and design concept was preliminarily explored suitablein north tea area, with the overall layout and planning of sightseeing tea garden road systemand tourism system of Zaoyuan village.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zaoyuan village, Sightseeing tea garden, Landscape planning
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