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The Planning Of Urban Construction And Landscaping For Wulatehouqi

Posted on:2015-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The landscaping work for Wulatehouqi started late in the counties because of fragilenatural environment. In this article, we analyzed how to strengthen its landscape constructionand scientific development and studied from the successful experiences of urban gardenSingapore and Baotou. We supplied the effective countermeasures and suggestions foraccelerating Wulatehouqi urban landscaping construction and sustainable development, asfollowing aspects: the system is not perfect, different styles of green design concepts are notunified, less use of native species and rare species into new superior, the same plantapplications form a single, rigid mutual configuration between plants.Construction management proposed to strengthen the scientific landscape, strictlyaccording to law, and make great efforts to grasp the landscape protection. In greentechnology, first creation in the landscape is to combine the sight construction with the broadto create a more natural landscaping styles for Wulatehouqi; we strengthened the applicationof the tamarisk and willow and other native species cinnamon, and showed originalartistically bold introduction of suitable climatic conditions in Inner Mongolia with excellentnew plants; and then we should dare to break the plant configuration by using Joe-shrub-grass which can be a combination of cell design the overall layout, changing the outdated‘Soldiers lined up’ Green style. Creation of a national park put forward from the greenindicators, greening road, green residential area, green areas unit, nursery, urban image,ecological construction and other landscaping to further increase efforts in building. Weincreased the green capital investment in the protection of green by multiple channels; paidclose attention to the focus, highlighted landscaping characteristics; increased professionals,strengthened the power of green technology; and improved the the urban quality effectively.Through our experience and improvement, Wulatehouqi will enhance the overall imageof the city, shaping the national garden county, providing more pleasant environment forresidents to live and work, promoting sustainable development Wulatehouqi entire socialformation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landscape architecture, Wulatehouqi, Urban construction, Garden County, ustainable development
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