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Research On Lighting Control System Of High-speed Depot

Posted on:2015-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330434457734Subject:Mechanical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the period of the12th Five-year-plan, the National Development andReform Commission has placed greater demands on key energy-using unitsconcerning the application and conservation of energy as well as emission-reduction.To respond to the call of national energy-saving and emission-reduction plan andsolve the problem of mass energy consumption in the daily operation of railway depot,the institute of Energy Saving&Environmental Protection&Occupational Safetyand Health Research in China Academy of Railway Sciences proposes atransformation project named as “Research on Integrated System of EnergyEconomization and Controlling in Railway”Based on preliminary spot investigation and combined with actual site situation,and particularly analyzes the lighting situation and the existing problems of theWuhan deport, this thesis puts forward several typical illumination control system andprovides brief and respective analysis of each control system. Finally, the systembased on ZigBee and CAN-BUS are considered as the most suitable system, andemphasizes the technical characteristics and design thought of the project selected.To the scattered living areas and street lamp lighting system of the Wuhan deport,the system based on ZigBee include the wireless module hardware design, the ARMMPU module hardware design, the temperature-sensitive module hardware design,the PWM light-dimmer module hardware design, the coordinator and terminalequipment workflow maps.To the groups of buildings lighting system of the examinational repository andthe office building, the system based on CAN-BUS include the CAN-BUS modulehardware design, the illumination module hardware design, infrared module hardwaredesign, power module hardware design, and introduces every module’s workflowmaps too.At the end of this thesis, the two lighting control systems, integrated into the“Research on Integrated System of Energy Economization and Controlling inRailway”, by the technology based on BACnet and CAN interaction gateway design,achieved the synthetically control.
Keywords/Search Tags:saving energy, lighting control, ZigBee, CAN-BUS
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