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The Exterior Design And Research Of Huda’s Electric Car

Posted on:2015-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J BanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330431956045Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the traffic congestion a nd air pollution is getting heavier, the deve lopmentand research of electric car which has low pollution and zero emiss ions is vigorous lypromoted by government. The electric car styling design sho uld follow the designtrend of humanized and emotiona l form. Comparing with gasoline vehic les, thedifferences of body structure will ca use some change in the styling o f electric car,which may become the source of creativity.This artic le relies on the cooperation between Hunan Univers ity and a companyof Hnu-e electric ve hic le exterior design project, following the basic processes ofautomotive design. With the research of the features of electric car styling fro mdifferent angles such as marketing, sketches, renderings, digita l model and phys ica lmodel, the des ign strives to meet the require ments of party A, to reflect the designtrends of the times, to meet the user ’s expectations and enviro nmenta l protectionrequire ments. Firstly, this paper grasps the historica l context of the developme nt ofcar styling by literature review. There are three main factors of car styling des ign:techno logy, aerodynamics, and driving experie nce. This part has built a roughfra mework for the project design. Secondly this paper uses the intentio n scale graphmethod to explore the overall trends of the electric car styling; and analyzes andconc ludes the common e xterior features o f the e xisting e lectric cars by the method ofmorpho logy analys is. Then it works out an appropriate des ign positioning accordingto the market research and car body la yout. Thirdly, the ana lys is above is applied inthe des ign, and other design techniques suc h as bio nics and symbo lizatio n are alsoused in the car styling process.In this study, emotional psychology creating concept is applied in electric car design tostudy the interests of custo mers and discover the design ideas, and the philosophy of“quantity influences quality” is also applied to clay modeling, which may providesome references to do mestic electric car design.
Keywords/Search Tags:electric car, styling design, model, design process
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