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Place Constructing Strategies Of Recreational Commercial District

Posted on:2015-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X C ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With economic development, urban construction and the continuousimprovement of living standards, entertainment has become an important part ofpeople’s daily lives, and these changes also brought about commercial transformation.In recent years, recreational commercial district, as an emerging business modelwhich adapts to economic development and consumer demand, has become animportant content in our country’s contribution. But at the same time, related theoriesresearch and the speed of contribution are not synchronized, and many projects in thedesign and construction are lack of guidance. This dissertation selects recreationalcommercial district as the research object, guiding by study of relevant theory, aimingat implementing experience, and throughout investigating by examples, to discuss themeasure to create recreational commercial district.With the aid of architecture theories, such as architecture phenomenology,architectural psychology, behavior architecture, regionalism and research about RBD,this dissertation has studied the relationship between place characteristics andexperience behavior to research recreational commercial district from space featuresand the place organization, and explore the method how to create special placeexperiences about recreational commercial district by the perspective of planning andarchitecture design.The first chapter has described the research background, meaning, purpose andscope of the study, established the logical structure of the whole dissertation.The second chapter has described the development process of the city’s businessmodels and analyzed the characteristics and role of leisure commercial district. Also,the problems of casual business district were analyzed.the third chapter has studied the concept and characteristics of place andexperience, analyzed the demands for place and experience in recreationalcommercial district, and then summarized features of recreational commercial district.The fourth chapter has studied the district planning, positioning, sitingrequirements, and transportation organizations of recreational commercial district.The fifth chapter has analyzed the spatial form of recreational commercialdistrict, including street space type and organization of spatial sequences, designof spatial interface as well as creating a variety of space. The sixth chapter has analyzed the characteristics to create a recreationalcommercial district.It has made a systematic analysis and research on recreationalcommercial district place making from the whole to the details, and discussed thespecific measures of making place about every element constituted of recreationalcommercial district.Finally, combining all the above chapters, this dissertation has summarized allthe measures and proposed some issues that we need to pay attention to in practicalconstruction.
Keywords/Search Tags:recreational commercial district, space constructing, theme, feature
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