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Construction And Design Studies On The Transfer Spatial Of Urban Subway

Posted on:2014-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330431480577Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Articles from the underground space development in the form of historicalevolution and development and utilization of underground space from the particularity tostudy abroad subway transfer space development history and current situation. Accordingto the relevant literature available, the development and utilization of underground space isto achieve sustainable urban development and the main means of important ways. However,due to the level of science and technology and economic development level, undergroundspace development of the concept in the design of technology and design thinking, thereare certain limitations as a public transport subway transfer space design accordingly alsobeen given sufficient attention and concern.To carry out this project is the theoretical advancement needs, but also practicaldevelopment needs. From the following two aspects to illustrate subway transfer space isnow faced with the dilemma, which illustrate the importance of this research carried out.First, with the growing trend of urban traffic surge, people’s expectations of fast mode oftransportation is increasing. The subway transfer space development is not only as a meansof transport, but also from the city’s character and psychological needs to meet passengerdemand. Secondly, foreign culture on our metro subway cultural impact can not be ignored,therefore, for the study of this subject, not only for the development of urban subwaytransfer theoretical exploration of space, but also to achieve the metro subway transferspace culture and urban culture, national cultural development has a very importantsignificance. Finally, although in different cities are invariably carried on subwayconstruction, but also for the blind expansion of urban transport system brings a certaininfluence, and thus re-subway transfer space research and re-design look even morenecessary.Articles from subway transfer space unique structural characteristics andenvironmental functional requirements to proceed, combining space transfer characteristicsof human behavior, based on the analysis and evaluation for the possibility to explore thevalue of design and impact. On the Beijing Xizhimen subway transfer station for datacollection, based on a field trip, according to the basic design of subway transfer spacerequirements, highlighting the passenger experience psychological and behavioralemotional space design standards. Through further research and foreign literature analysisof the case, summarized subway transfer space design principles and methods. on thesubject research following the conclusions:First, in the study of space underground environmental behavior on the basis of human behavior through field research space in the subway transfer functionalrequirements and spatial characteristics, concluded that basically reflects the current statusof the construction of urban underground space and needs, in subway transfer space designstudies should deepen the subway transfer space design theoretical depth.Second, Summary and Analysis of China’s urban subway construction and behavioralneeds, the existing subway transfer space is reflected in the main problems: the lack ofpublic facilities can not provide a sound barrier transport system; spatial orientation is notclear, there is insecurity, you can not help people maintain accurate sense of direction, butthe cold empty subway space, ignoring the emotional needs of people, there is no humanespace environment, not displaying the city’s unique history and culture.Third, the transfer of space in the subway traffic flow line design, space combinationsand emotional needs of people on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of undergroundspace design research provides a basis for the passenger must be based on their own needsas a design goal.Fourth, subway transfer space is a need for good sight of underground space, requiresextensive surrounding environment and local culture, adopt appropriate design methods,the subway transfer space has a large number of user-friendly, fun, artistic elements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental design, interior design, subway transfer space, Constructionand Design
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