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Study On The Accounting Of Road Transport Operation Revenue

Posted on:2015-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ShenFull Text:PDF
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Since the reform and opening up, our country’s economy is growing, along with therapid development of road transport industry. Especially in recent years, with the overall sizeof the road transport industry growing, the number and size of road transportation enterprisesare also increasing. In2006, the Ministry of Finance issued the China Accounting Standards.Among them, the CAS14-revenue provide accounting basis for the road transport industry. In2010, the Ministry of Finance formulated the "Chinese Accounting Standards andInternational Financial Reporting Standards continued convergence roadmap", providing adirection of further convergence with international accounting standards for our country.Before the accounting standard issued, road transportation enterprises mainly refered to the“accounting system for Transport (Traffic)” which issued in1993, and “Motor TransportEnterprise Internal Bicycle Rental property rights transfer contract accounting operations(Trial)” which issued in1996. The accounting standards’ promulgation, propose newrequirements for road transport industry.Revenue is an important element of the income statement, and its recognition andmeasurement are also very important. Compared to other industries, road transport industryhas its own particularity, and the accounting of revenue is also very special. However, due tothe difference, the revenue accounting in road transport industry has a variety of features.Especially the promulgation of the accounting standard, discussing the specification in roadtransport industry is very necessary.This dissertation is based on the related theory of revenue and the accounting standard,and analyzes the problems of revenue accounting in proprietary vehicles, contracting vehicles,and attaching vehicles. These problems are mainly focused on two aspects: how to recognizeand settlement transportation revenue. Finally, based on the practical situation of the roadtransport enterprises, the author proposed some suggestion on these problems, hoping theycan help enterprises provide valuable accounting information.
Keywords/Search Tags:road transport operation, revenue accounting, accounting standards
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