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The Comparative Research On Design Method Of Planting Roof Between China And Foreign

Posted on:2015-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330422485712Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Now, China is in a period of rapid development. The rapid development of economy isnot only raising people’s quality of life but also bring a series of city’s problems, such as therapid expansion of city space and city population, the rapid decrease of the city green area,the deterioration of the ecological environment in city. In recent years, the planted roof,acting as an effective measure for green building energy saving, improving the quality of aircondition, is becoming more and more popular in the eyes of more levels of governmentand many scholars. But the existing project in China reflects the lack of technologyselection and system construction.By contrast, the design methods and conservation measures of planted roof in thedeveloped country have been increasingly standardized, systematic, and perfect day by day.This is a major reason why it has been spread abroad.So it is necessary to focus onanalyzing the foreign country’s mature systems, summing up the successful experience ofdeveloped countries and thinking about our country’s shortages, providing theoreticalsupports to our planted roof, further promote the development of domestic planting roofingsystem, specialization, scale.There are five chapters in this passage. The first two chapters mainly introduces theresearch background, purpose, meaning, method of planted roof and its basic concepts,including the definition, function, classification methods and so on; the third chapterdiscusses the design methods and the construction practice in our country; the fourthchapter discusses the typical constructions in Germany, Japan, American, and thensummarizes each country’s new planting roofing system; the fifth is the core of this thesis,from the macro and micro angle, it analysis and contrast the planting structure in foreigncountries, it discusses the differences in different countries. It tells us that we should learnfrom the experiences and try our best to set up a set of suitable and practical significance ofplanted roof construction measures for China..
Keywords/Search Tags:planted roof, design methods, developed countries, analysis by contrast
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