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The Influence Of Process Improvement Of Minnan Traditional Gourmet On Food Culture

Posted on:2014-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P HongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2271330485495268Subject:Food processing and safety
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese diet culture has a long history. In the long history of deposition, the diet culture development has been ahead of others’. On the basis of the characteristics in China, Different regions’ diet cultures have different characteristics, such as Shandong qilu diet culture, Sichuan bashu diet culture, these diet cultures are quite important representatives, and in local cultures, they play an important role. In the unique geographic environment, folk culture, religious beliefs, economic trade and historical background of formation of the distinctive Minnan culture, Fujian diet culture is a plural pattern in the inalienable important component.In this long Histories, formed a unique Taiwanese culture, including of course the Taiwanese food culture. Taiwanese people always pay attention to diet, the formation of the unique flavor of "fresh, fragrant, light "in the color, flavor and unique. Protection of traditional cultural significance is particularly important in today’s traditional culture can easily disappear. Retain the traditional cuisine of the process is the preservation of traditional food culture base. Processing improvement, more quality and excellent cuisine, more convenient for the promotion and dissemination. Improving the the traditional cuisine process, the protection and development of traditional Taiwanese food culture is more positive. The Minnan history and culture, constitute the main population the ancient Central Plains Heluo of people, but less academic process content for the Minnan traditional cuisine, traditional Taiwanese cuisine process improvement study less.In this paper, the the Minnan diet process improvement made the following research:1、In this paper, the study is based on the existing literature, questionnaire, "oral history" analysis and interdisciplinary research methods and process improvement for the Minnan traditional cuisine of Taiwanese food culture propagation effects research, process improvement for the the Minnan traditional cuisine of the impact of the spread of Taiwanese food culture, toothe following results:survey population, mainly young people, accounting for 87.5% of the total number of male and 45, accounting for 56% of the total,35 women,44% of the total number of male to female ratio less constitute reasonable; followed by the statistics, the population studied education average,32 junior and senior high, accounting for 40% of the total number of college and 26, accounting for 32.5% of the total, more than 22 undergraduate, accounting for 27.5% of the total, covering a wider populationis conducive to investigate the purpose of promotion, to ensure the reliability of the survey effect. The survey results show that nearly 3/4 of people in Fuzhou eat very traditional Taiwanese cuisine, traditional Taiwanese cuisine is just one small supplement; Fuzhou more than half of the people at home will not make their own traditional Taiwanese cuisine.2> Start by analyzing the characteristics of the Minnan traditional cuisine suggest process improvement of the Minnan traditional cuisine points Prospects, about the Minnan traditional cuisine process improvement:one, portable directly safe to eat-instant noodles paste; two, optimize taste, nutritional value-konjac shoots frozen soil; simplify the process, the use of new materials, the application of modern production technology-Yongchun the standings homes turtle; rich taste, increase aftertaste, adapt around the taste-Quanzhou roast porkdumplings.2^ Started by analyzing the characteristics of the Minnan traditional cuisine suggested the process improvement of the Minnan traditional cuisine points prospects, which is about the Minnan traditional cuisine process improvement:first, portable direct safely to eat-instant noodles paste; second, optimize taste, nutritional value-konjac shoots frozen soil; third,simplify the process, the use of new materials, the application of modern production technology-Yongchun the standings homes turtle;fourth, rich taste, increase aftertaste, adapt around the taste-Quanzhou roast porkdumplings.3%Combined with the current situation of Taiwanese food culture and trends,and analyzed the impact of process improvement of cultural transmission. Then, through the research, it can be more conducive to the traditional cuisine of southern Fujian Minnan culinary culture propagation process improvement, konjac shoots frozen soil process improvement and specific test results are as follows:citric acid and the processing time will have an influence on the bamboo shoots deastringenting effect, experiments showed that 0.1% citric acid treatment lOmin process can guarantee bamboo shoots best astringent effect; determined the bamboo shoots Paul brittle conditions which is combined with the method through the testing and sensory evaluation of the texture analyzer, the results showed that soak 30min the optimum the sweet shoots Paul brittle effect,0.2% CaCl2 solution. Paul brittle process of the condition treated bamboo shoots up to a delicious crisp texture; finalized konjac bamboo shoots best recipe by single factor test and orthogonal test and variance analysis for:the amount of acid is 35% the amount of garlic is5%, the amount of salt is 3%, and the amount of sugar is 22%. Amorphophallus this recipe pickled bamboo shoots to achieve the requirements of sweet and sour, garlic pleasant and natural taste of bamboo shoots; through single factor test complex experiments to determine the best formulation of the konjac shoots frozen soil colloids are as follows: konjac glucomannan 0.5g, the carrageenan 0.5g, water 180ml, AR CaCl2 0.10g, and salt 0.8g. This recipe made konjac soil shoots frozen colloidal transparent, crisp taste is moderate; through the orthogonal experimental analysis determined the best formula of konjac shoots frozen soil, which is 17% of bamboo shoots dosage,0.5g of konjac dosage,0.5g of carrageenan dosage,0.10g of calcium chloride dosage and 0.8 g of salt dosage. Shoots frozen soil shoots meat with this recipe prepared konjac sweet and sour, frozen body transparent, brittle moderate, and bamboo shoots content of GB recommended values, both are beautiful and delicious.
Keywords/Search Tags:Minnan cuisine, Process improvement, Cultural transmission, Questionnaire, Konjac shoots fro, zen soil
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