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The Study On Environmental Licensing Regulations In The Background Of Decentralization Of Government

Posted on:2016-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2271330473957609Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Environmental licensing system is an important tool for national environmental conservation, especially for the prevention of pollution, protection of natural resources and ecological safety. The more the deterioration of the environment, the state should make the more stringent of environmental licensing system. Thus in the current environment of growing concern, the state should be to strengthen the environmental licensing regulations.However, in the current context of the national decentralization of government at all levels and all departments and cancel as many matters delegated approval become a trend, the field of environment is also true. Thus,strict environmental regulations and permit certain decentralization policy in theory and practice of conflict. This article from the intrinsic value of the departure of the two analyzes thus manifested various external problems, and then demonstrate the correctness of strengthening environmental licensing system.First, this paper reviews the history of some success of decentralization since the reform and opening up,and then organize a large number of laws, regulations and normative documents since the founding,and identify environmental licensing matters set these legal norms.Clarify the general context of the development of China’s environmental licensing system. Then the field of environmental licensing for decentralization in stages since the reform and opening up are summarized, and the study focused on the environmental licensing matters since 2013 canceled and decentralized situation.Then combined with the implementation of the decentralization policy specifically delve into the environmental licensing system decentralization negative impact.Starting from the cancellation and devolution of environmental licensing matters analyzed decentralization implementation of a licensing system for the purpose of environmental impact. Combined with the impact of the practice on the environment caused by the licensing system, from two perspectives blind decentralization and improve processing efficiency analysis of the specific impact of environmental licensing system to run.Through decentralization of environmental licensing, examine the situation, identify the environmental licensing system defects. Then with the current decentralization of background, a perfect countermeasure environmental licensing system. Due to environmental licensing set occupies an important position in the environmental licensing regime, only a reasonable set of environmental licensing issues, in order to ensure the effective implementation of environmental permits to run. In the current environment, a large number of permissions decentralized context, as circumstances permit system to pursue follow-up supervision and legal responsibilities of an important part of the need to be strengthened. Measures of this paper is therefore perfect setting and subsequent regulatory environment environmental licensing licensing, legal accountability. First erected discusses environmental licensing matters, setting the scope and procedures as well as elements of the environment is not strong operational matters not expressly permit, environmental issues such as licensing matters set hysteresis setting range and setting environmental licensing exist and propose the feasibility of countermeasures. Then follow the regulatory and legal environmental licensing accountability in practice the problems of the sort, and put forward a sound proposal.
Keywords/Search Tags:environmental licensing, tape and delegate power to lower-level governments, system impact, review
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