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Design Of Dynamic Management System For Environmental Impact Assessment Project

Posted on:2015-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2271330452470414Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In economy high speed development of modern society, the impact of humanactivities on the environment is growing, all kinds of environmental impactassessment of the project is growing with each day, how to improve the quality andefficiency of the EIA be placed in the head of consulting units engaged in the EIA.However, many of the project EIA data scattered throughout the report, the lack ofeffective sorting and archiving of valuable data resulting diaspora and reuse difficult.Meanwhile, a single project EIA projects taken individually, many of which arerepetitive work in many areas, the lack of a comprehensive macro comparison andanalysis tools.Project management software currently in use is just the result of repeatedmanual kneading EIA is ranked lists and publish. In response to these problems, thestudy of knowledge management as the core information technology systemsintegration technology as a means to support, using knowledge management anddata warehouse management technology, according to data classification data-attribute data integration, multi-source data seamlessly integrated design ideas EIAmanagement system design and implementation, project consulting InformationCenter will be all kinds of data, basic data, documentation, and system files andother information data integration to build the library, multi-type, seamlessintegration and unified management of multi-attribute information data.Development of the system will achieve excellent, advanced and appropriateinformation management platform for project documents, project audits, projectteam members and project process for all aspects management, information sharingEIA projects, exchange of knowledge and heritage, auxiliary decisions, the wholeprocess of realization of the project EIA records, improve the efficiency andaccuracy of the results to implement the EIA projects. Can greatly reduce the laborintensity of the workload and management, improve efficiency, create a professionalEIA think tank to accommodate the requirements of modern management.
Keywords/Search Tags:EIA, Project Management, Information System, KnowledgeManagement
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