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Study On Development Predicament And Way Out Of Rural Economy In Qufu

Posted on:2015-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X C KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428973189Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rural economy is the foundation of the stable development of national economy, and its development determines the course and key of the construction of new socialist countryside, therefore, building a well-off society in an all-round way ison the basis of the rapid economic development in the countryside. To comprehensively implement the spirit of the18th CPC National Congress, to unswervingly move forward along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to strive to build a well-off society in an all-round way, we must strengthen the base and put solving the three rural issues as the top priority of the party work; development of rural economy should be contained in strengthening the base. Since the16th CPC National Congress, Qufu fully implement the scientific concept of development and comprehensively promote the reform to agriculture, rural areas and farmers; rural economic development has made significant achievements.With stable increase in grain production within ten years in a row, the agricultural comprehensive production capacity has increased dramatically; continuous increase in farmers’ income makes the gap between the urban and rural residents narrow, and farmer’s quality of life gradually improve; rural infrastructure improves obviously, and the apperance of villages is brand-new; land conversion scale increases and agricultural industrial structure has further adjustments; agricultural science and technology is widely used, and modern agriculture preliminary established; rural private economy develops rapidly and surplus labor gets transferrd. Rural development in Qufusignificant is acknowledged, which has laid a solid foundation for the further development of rural economy.To develop rural economy further in Qufu, the development predicaments should be analyzed thoroughly under the guidance of theory of a variety of policies, using a variety of methods to explore the breakthrough. Continuing to increase investment and strengthening the rural infrastructure is the foundation; improving agricultural comprehensive production capacity, and promote the farmers increase production; develop the rural collective economy and strengthen rural economic strength; improve the quality of the farmers, and promote rural economic development; improve the grass-roots party organization construction and so on, and all of these are the important ways to realize the rural economy development.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural economy, current situation, problem, strategy to explore
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