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Research Of Vietnamese Plastic Enterprises Marketing Management Issues

Posted on:2015-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C M ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428967278Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern day, plastic is one of the most widely used materials,and often hasadvantages over many natural materials, such as: wood, glass, and metal. Due to this,the production level of plastic has increased daily, and plastic manufacturing hasbecome the focal point of a vast amount of enterprises. In the last decade, the plasticindustry in Vietnam has rapidly developed, and has already become a large portion ofVietnam’s Gross Domestic Product. Therefore, developing the plastic manufacturingindustry has also become a strong need for my country. There can be seen a dailyincrease of plastic enterprises, which means that competition within this market hasalso grown daily, which in turn has affected marketing methods. Because of this,plastic enterprises face an ever changing market. The internationalization of theeconomy has already spurred a great deal of competition. Vietnamese plasticenterprises can employ planning, target-market analysis, target-market choice,marketing strategy, control, inspection, and other marketing management operationsto compete in a target-market filled with strong, resourceful, and able enterprises.Through the use of appropriate marketing methods, enterprises can attract targetcustomers and form strong customer relations. Unfortunately, many problems stillexist today in Vietnamese plastic enterprises’ marketing management. Therefore, thispaper aims to research and understand the current marketing management problemsthat exist today by using marketing and marketing management base theories. Thisresearch will primarily revolve around four facets of content. The first of these beingthe use of research and analysis of theories regarding marketing, marketingmanagement, marketing environments, and marketing strategies to form a base for theresearch of the problems residing within marketing management. Secondly, a deepanalysis of the development and marketing management basisof Vietnam’s plasticindustry will be combined with base theories and current plastic industry practices inorder to be used to discover where problems exist in the current marketing management system as well as their primary causes. Thirdly, research will beconducted on developed western nations and south-eastern Asian territories. Thisresearch will evaluate these countries’ plastic manufacturers in order to use theinformation to create more favorable circumstances for the challenges thatVietnamese plastic enterprises face in an international market. Finally, by using theknowledge gathered from this research on Vietnamese plastic enterprises’ currentmarketing management situations as well as foreign influence, this paper aims toprovide scientifically based and efficient marketing strategies and modern daymarketing methods for Vietnamese plastic enterprises, in order for them to developtheir target market as well as potential future markets. Ultimately, this paper hopes toimprove both foreign and domestic environments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vietnamese plastic enterprises, marketing management, target-markets
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