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Jilin Province Small And Medium-sized Enterprise Solution And The Transformation Of Research

Posted on:2015-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J R HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428956234Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an important micro body of market economic operation, small andMedium-sized enterprises can not only stimulate economic growth,absorb the laboremployment,increase revenue,but also can promote the progress of science andtechnology,adjust the industrial structure,promote the innovation of the isan important force for economic and social development of a country or region.Since2008,in the setting of the financial crisis triggered by the USA globaleconomic adjustment,small and Medium-sized enterprises in China,especially inJilin province, the Small and Medium-sized manufacturing enterprises strives tosurvive in the crisis,in the survival and development to upgrade in transition. Therefore, to explore the difficulties and transformation of small and medium enterprisesout of the way, a new development strategy of reconstruction of small andmedium-sized enterprises is an urgent realistic problem.Based on the investigation of Jilin Province,the development of small andmedium-sized enterprises as the main entry point,by calculating the fixed assetsinvestment of enterprises accounting for the proportion of the fixed assets inJilin Province, the main business income and the data of the increased value inenterprises,discovering that the whole body of small and medium scale enterprisesin Jilin province expands ceaselessly,it’s overall quality improvedsteadily,gradually formed various types of industrial cluster,while small andmedium enterprises in Jilin province accounted for the province’s GDP increasedyear by year, to absorb the large number of urban and rural labor employment,annual paid taxes have continued to increase, which made great contribution to theoverall economic development in Jilin province. At the same time, the developmentof small and medium-sized enterprises in Jilin province has shown that the economicbenefits and social benefits of the enterprises are not so high, the shortage of funds isstill the obstacle for the further development for those enterprises, the mostprominent problem is the core technology and independent brand is not so much, which hampering the development and upgrading in Jilin province seriously.By analyzing the factors which restrict the development of small andmedium-sized enterprises, especially the inner and outside reasons that small andmedium-sized enterprises falls under the financial crisis, it was found that there arethree main factors which restricting the development of small and medium-sizedenterprises in Jilin province: first of all is the historical conditions. The adversenatural geographical location, limited cluster economies of scale, the weak dominantindustry effect, the relatively backward level of economic development and theoriginal system accumulation and transmission so that the small and medium-sizedenterprises in Jilin province at the beginning of its development with a congenitaldeficiency. The second is the objective factors. the enterprise financing’s tighteningdifficult position, the reduce of the trade surplus and the appreciation of therenminbi, the factor prices rose sharply and other objective factors make Jilinprovince small and medium-sized enterprises in the process of transformation andupgrading develop in deep water. The third is the subjective factors. Deficiency inthe power of innovation, technology innovation property right’s fuzzy definition,business management is poor, lack attention of enterprise culture of small andmedium enterprises’ which result in the sufficient of transformation and upgradingin Jilin province.Draw the experience from the development of small and medium-sizedenterprises at home and abroad, explore the way out in the face ofdifficulties,transformation of China’s small and medium-sized enterprise. Thesmall and medium-sized enterprises in China’s Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces madea transformation successfully through the establishment of developed financialservice system, developed the exact orientation of the government function, improvethe capability of independent innovation, and the development of cluster. Theneighboring country Japan established the financing system, investment andscientific management system, perfect legal system and loose fiscal policy in theprocess of the development and transformation of Small and medium-sizedenterprises.the integrate use of the financing service system, the counseling agencies, the road of internationalization and the support of the government policymade the small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan province achieved thetransformation successfully, and obtained long ways development.Because of a late start, Small and medium enterprises in Jilin province,now experiencing the transformation stage which the developed area hasexperienced, learn from the successful development experience of the transition ofsmall and medium-sized enterprises at home and abroad, which is helpful for thesmall and medium enterprises in Jilin province’s development strategy and solutionof reconstruction. On the one hand, small and medium-sized enterprises in Jilinprovince should strengthen it’s self construction, the establishment of a modernenterprise management system, go industrial clusters road,and strengthen productinnovation continuously, make full use of domestic and foreign resources andmarkets, improve the comprehensive quality of employees, make preparation for thetransformation of shaking off poverty, on the other hand, the government of Jilinprovince should promote small and medium the division of labor and cooperation,improve the local financial service system, increase the fiscal and taxation support,perfect the system of technology innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises,from all aspects to support small and medium-sized enterprise transformation andupgrading.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jilin province, Small and medium-sized enterprise, Transformationaldevelopment
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