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The Research Of Information Building Of Business And Management In Huishan Company

Posted on:2015-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428956126Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A large number of foreign dairy companies enter the Chinese market.Currently,theworld’s top20dairy brands have been in the Chinese market.Even four of the internationaldairy giants havebuilt their factories in China.The peak of China’s dairy production enterprises reached1500.Therefore, we muststrengthen internal management, improve efficiency, reduce costs, to consolidate andstrengthen a solid position in the industry.Faced with this scale and complexity of the market,it requires companies to have a rapid response capability and accurate Decision-makingdata.So,to do this we must rely on a complete enterprise information systems.In this paper,we introducedthe basic situation of Huishan’sinformation technology andanalyzes the necessity of enterprise information construction management on the basis ofsummarizing the relevant literature.Then, we proposed a general framework of Huishan’sinformation technology and existing applications, selection strategies and analyzed HuishanSelection policy information software;On this basis,using the information systemdevelopment methodology, from a functional perspective, analysis of logistics informationmanagement, sales management, production management and human resource managementof several key management system requirements;Finally, this paper presents the Huishancompany’s management information systems implementation strategyThe research on promoting the construction of informatization of China’s dairy industry,industry features, how to use information technology to improve enterprise corecompetitiveness of the dairy industry will play an active role...
Keywords/Search Tags:Dairy, Business and Management, Information
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