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Analysis Of Cost Behavior Of Iron And Steel Industry Listing Corporation

Posted on:2015-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428481750Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China, steel is the important industrial raw materials of one country, is the key industry of the country’s pillar of the national economy. At the national industrial chain, iron and steel industry occupies the important position. In our country, iron and steel industry develops qui-ckly. However, with the rapid development, the steel industry is also faced with various of pr-oblems. From the view of industry, improving quality, adjust the layout of the slow pace, inc-reasing energy and environmental constraints, the low ability of independent innovation are t-he main problems. In development of the iron and steel industry, high cost, the development of profit space is obstructed, has become the important obstacles of iron and steel industry to continue to develop. In recent years, the spreading of financial crisis seriously influence the s-ustainable development of the iron and steel industry in China. In the financial crisis, the foc-us of our research is to control the cost of iron and steel industry in the development process, and improve the iron and steel industry profitability, in order to create a good space for furth-er development of iron and steel industry.In the process of traditional cost management, it just focuses on tangible cost and manage-ment, while ignore the influence of intangible costs on firm performance. After the analysis, t-he target is to guide the enterprise to improve cost management, is the effective way to excav-ate potential cost reduction, and to strengthen the comprehensive quality management, and to reduce the waste of resources. Draw the following conclusions: cost of management is very high; high steel prices is the main reason for rising costs; iron and steel industry assets scale blindly increasing, causing depreciation rose; operating cost and financial cost is very high;Through the analysis of specific data, select53steel corporations’ balance sheet and inco-me statement between year2008to year2013. Analysis of the steel industry, Bao iron compa-ny and Anshan Iron company’s cost behavior. Through the analysis of these data, finding the problems in cost management of the iron and steel industry. In order to Identify the most imp-ortant aspects of cost control. This provides a clear direction of the steel industry for cost ma-nagement, also have important significance on cost control and profit improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cost Behavior, Iron and Steel Industry, Listed Company, Cost
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