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Research On The Value-added Services Strategy In The Entertainment Platform For Spring Company

Posted on:2014-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425983749Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hunan the Spring Trade Co., Ltd.(referred to as the SPL) since1996, has been a the ISP software system of the Internet cafe industry, has accumulated a wealth of experience and reputation in the Internet industry. With the rapid growth of the market for domestic entertainment platform in recent years, especially in the domestic Internet cafe industry has huge market capacity and broad market prospects, attracting a growing number of manufacturers and merchants into entertainment platform market, Split the forest seize the development opportunities of its own advantages and entertainment platform in the market of Internet cafes, the successful launch in2008, the SPL entertainment platform-integrated online game platform software products, including network video, music and so on. Committed to serving the entertainment needs of the163million Chinese Internet cafes Internet users, online games extends to other services. Cafes channels in recent years, consumer promotion, SPL entertainment platform has accumulated more than300million Internet cafes terminal, and the user needs to carry out a number of value-added services, value-added services in SPL, facing fierce market competition based on what kind of development strategy? Not only conducive to the upstream and downstream industry chain, but also conducive to the SPL company to consolidate its advantage in the industry to improve its profitability and enhance the SPL company’s core competitiveness.This paper first analyzes the status quo of the corporate entertainment platform in SPL each of its four macroeconomic environment in which the political, economic, social, technical analysis, and value-added services for corporate entertainment platform competitive strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as entertainment platform, there are several problems were analyzed. Next entertainment platform user population size, user attributes, user entertainment needs analysis. On this basis, the guide needs to achieve better value-added user experience, expanding value-added projects, strengthen the control of the value-added services to the entertainment platform, to accelerate the building of value-added services alliance strategy. Finally, after the implementation of the above company value-added strategy effect were analyzed and found to improve the economic benefits of SPL company from market segments, better combination of value-added strategies to save costs and to establish a benchmark for the industry, the entertainment platform for value-added services to help the game businesses to expand business help Internet cafes channels development career, widening earnings, as an objective, reasonable and feasible, low-cost, high-return project.In this paper, services marketing, operations management, and other related knowledge, combined with relevant empirical research on the basis of the analysis of the macroeconomic environment of the cafes media business, competitive environment, SPL company entertainment platform for value-added services strategy seeks to explore today, help corporate decision-making layer establish the right entertainment platform for value-added strategy guiding ideology, specific fit for the company to develop value-added services, and ultimately the comprehensive benefits of the users, the game business, channel customers, SPL company four win-win.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spring, the entertainment platform, value-added strategy
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