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The Research Of Guangzhou Restructuring Of Farmers Social Security Issues

Posted on:2014-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425980157Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The issue of farmers is one of the "three rural", the issue of farmers, farmers’ socialsecurity issues is extremely important. A long time, due to the implementation of dualhousehold registration system of the planned economy period, the account is divided intoagricultural accounts and non-agricultural household, the social security system in China isalso showing a very obvious "binary" feature. In recent years, the Government has vigorouslydevelop the rural social security, but relative to the city’s comprehensive social security systemfor China’s vast rural areas are still not established a complete social security system, socialsecurity in rural areas showed fragmentation and differentiation, the state of chaos andinstability, the great differences of China’s urban and rural social security in this period wasvery obvious.In this paper, under the background of China’s urbanization and urban-rural integration,restructuring of social security of farmers how to improve Guangzhou City, and effectivelyprotect the restructuring of the long-term interests of farmers as the starting point, theintegrated use of economic welfare theory and relevant legal basis for conversion, GuangzhouCitythe evolution of the social security of farmers approach, derived by analyzing the statisticalelaboration and data compilation on the basis of the problems and causes of Guangzhou Cityconversion farmers. Home and abroad to solve the successful experience of restructuring thesocial security of farmers, combined with the actual development of regional economic andsocial restructuring of farmers’ social security for the recommendations put forward a soundGuangzhou City.First, the paper defines the restructuring of farmers, old-age security, collective security,the basic old-age insurance, the villages of the basic concepts, the starting point of the articleanalyzes the problem more clearly. Secondly, transformed the protection of farmers into thesocial security transition process from the collective security, in turn safeguards to evaluate.And the use of comparative analysis at home and abroad more successful restructuring offarmers ’social security for the elaborate analysis, the restructuring of farmers’ social securitysystem is perfect, Guangzhou City revelation. Finally, combined with the specificcircumstances of Guangzhou City regional development, Guangzhou City restructuring offarmers ’existing social security system reform proposals.: Increased government funding toenhance the practical operation of the policy, land revenue subsidy restructuring of farmers’pensions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban-rural integration, Household registration reform, Restructuring of farmers, Social Security
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