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The Research On The New Generation Migrant Workers’ Integration Into The City

Posted on:2014-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425974032Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, the new generation of migrant workers has become the main part of the rural migrant workers. Different from the traditional rural migrant workers, the new generation of migrant workers, born in1980s or1990s, with more education and better occupation skills, has been nourishing the dream of settling in the city. In spite of the strong desire of settling in the city and the modern consciousness, the new generation of migrant workers has met great difficulty in the process of citizenization, which arises from the institutional barriers, the social limitations as well as the cultural barriers.After expounding the present living situation of the new generation of migrant workers in the city, this paper, form the institutional factors and the non-institutional ones, analyzes the reasons why the city society rejects the integration of the new generation workers, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to speed up the young migrant workers’adaption to the city.Firstly, the paper briefly discusses the background, the significance, and the methods of this research, which will lay a foundation for the comprehensive, systematic exposition of the whole paper.Secondly, the paper illustrates the situation of the new generation of migrant workers’ employment, inhabitation, and social communication, which will show the barriers these young migrant workers meet in the economy, the interpersonal communication and the psychology.Thirdly, the paper detailedly analyzes the causes of the plight of the new generation of migrant workers’ integration into the city. It pointes out that the household registration system and the correlative systems are the institutional barriers, that the cultural and customary differences between the urban and rural areas, as well as the deficiencies of the young migrants workers also lead to the dilemma of these young migrant workers, both of which reinforce these young migrant workers’life as "the urban marginalized"Fourthly, this paper explores the proper methods and strategies for the new generation of migrant workers’ integration into the city, which is carried out through the deepening reform of the household registration system, the adjustment of employment system, the improvement of the social security system, as well as the self-quality improvement of the young migrant workers, and the positive recognition and acceptance of the urban society for these workers. All of these will be helpful to these young migrant workers’ transition to the citizen. Finally, the paper points out that the new generation of migrant workers’ integration into the city is a long-term process, which needs the combined efforts of the government, the society and the migrant workers. Obviously, the government plays a dominant role.
Keywords/Search Tags:the new generation of migrant workers, the integration into the city, barriers, countermeasures
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