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TIANTIAN Organic Farms Profit Model Research

Posted on:2014-07-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Z LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425962146Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Profit model is refers to the enterprise internal and external elements such asorganic integration of resources, make full use of external favorable marketopportunities, exert its advantages, reduce the external threat, overcome their ownshortcomings, the core is the enterprise value creation activities, made up of fourbasic elements, including profit, profit object, profit and profit barrier. In this paper,based on the research of the organic farms profit model every day to show a newagricultural profit model. Based on the research of the profit model, demonstrates thesustainable development of Tantan organic farm, improving the efficiency of theenterprise, improve the user relationship, to provide users with better products andservices, and so has the high practical significance.In reference to this paper, on the basis of a large number of literature, and themembership of the existing profit model of organic farm case study, using the methodof SWOT to Tantanorganic farm under the condition of internal and externalcompetition environment and competition situation was analyzed, and finally appliedto the research on organic farms profit model every day. Three main conclusions:First, the organic farm industry broad development space. National policy toencourage the development of organic agriculture, especially after eighteen big, stateis more clear to encourage family farm, construction of ecological agriculture. Bigcities such as Beijing has a population of advantage, gathered a large number ofhighly educated, high income and high age of organic agricultural products consumergroups. Because of the organic agriculture started late in China, development ofnon-standard, fake organic agricultural products lack of effective regulation,consumer cannot distinguish, also restricted the development.Second, through analyzing the existing profit model farm Tantan, has goodeconomic benefit. With a total investment of20million yuan, annual sales income is16.3488million yuan, financial net present value (FNPV)$6.0726million after tax,after-tax investment payback period is2.4years, according to the total investment,financial internal rate of return IRR of38.45%. Also found the profit model of somedisadvantages.Third, to theTantan farm profit model improvement Suggestions, improve themembership price, reduce the total number of members, can not only increase thesales revenue, reduce operating costs, and can improve customer satisfaction.Implementing ecological farm construction, through the "four one" ecological patternimplementation of three-dimensional cultivation, can not only improve the productionefficiency, and can reduce costs, improve profitability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Membership, organic farm, profit model
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