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Chongqing Tourism Industry Estimation

Posted on:2014-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H LuFull Text:PDF
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With of the rapid development of economy, the official leaders in Chong Qing hasincreasingly allocated attention to the tourism development. Tourism industry is benefit toboth economic updating and economic gap diminishing between urban and rural areas.Tourism industry has been one of the mainstay industries in Chongqing, whose revenuereached91.7billion Yuan in2011. Because of vigorous development of tourism trends,calculating the contribution of tourism industry has become a very emerging issue, andhow to measure it scientifically and comprehensively is very also important. From theperspective of current system of national accounts statistics, the existing statisticalindicators can’t fully reflect the true situation about it, which is not an independent sector.Therefore, seeking a scientific method to measure the contribution of tourism industry willhelp understand the status and role of tourism comprehensively.Combining the data from tourism spending survey of Chongqing in2011andinput-output table in2007of Chong Qing, I get the added value of tourism, the influenceto national economy and the promotion in employment. Input-output model is efficient toolto analyze associations of various industries, dependency relationship among kinds ofsectors. Firstly, this paper reviews the concept in TSA–RMF, defining the conceptionof tourism industry and identify the tourism value-added accounting classification ofproducts and production activities, and putting forward the added value of tourismindustry in Chongqing business accounting methods and procedures, and finally, using theavailable data calculated the added value of tourism industry in Chongqing in2011. Thepaper is organized as follows.Chapter1: Introduction. This chapter is organized as four aspects:①Emphasizingon the importance of tourism industry currently;②Reviewing the literature of valueadded accounting of tourism industry;③Defining the concept of tourism industryaccounted in this paper.④Introducing the main content and contributions. Chapter2:Theory and methods introduction. In this chapter, the author introduces the main theoryand methods used in this paper briefly. Chapter3: Value added measurement of tourismindustry. In this chapter, value added of tourism industry is measured. Chapter4:Economic influence of tourism industry. In this chapter, Economic influence of tourismindustry is measured, using the input-output method, which gives the result that tourismindustry is the mainstay industry in Chongqing. Chapter5: Evaluation on developmentlevel of tourism industry. In this chapter, we evaluate the Chongqing’s development levelof tourism industry across the nation, which is measured by factor analysis. Finally, we conclude the result and give the implications according the analysis above.
Keywords/Search Tags:The added value of tourism, Accounting methods, Input and output, Factoranalysis
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