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The Research On Operating Model Of Vegetable Specialty Cooperative Organization In Shouguang

Posted on:2014-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425481520Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Vegetable specialty cooperative organization is the main form of farmer specialtycooperative organization. Through vegetable specialty cooperative organization could transitfrom former dispersed management to standardized, scaled and intensived management.Well-known the Shouguang vegetable City is famous at home and abroad. Using its brilliantecological advantage, Shouguang have developed largely vegetable industrialization in recentyears, and the formation and development of vegetable industrialization represents the strat ofChinese agricultural industrialization bud formation. As the outstanding industrialization ofShouguang’s agricultural economy, vegetable production made big contribution in improvingrural economy, increasing farmer’s income, and promoting new rural construction. Moreover,after the foundation of vegetable specialty cooperative organization at the help ofgovernmental advocation and support, Shouguang made unexpected development, obtainedmarvelous achievement, and “Shouguang mode”has been known by others.Based on learning from foreign successful experiences and investigating, enquiring,analysing the foundation and development of vegetable specialty cooperative organization,the author described elaborately the style, character, operating model, benefits evaluation andcurrent existing problems of vegetable specialty cooperative organization, and studiedspecially main operating models including: type of leading enterprise to drive, type of capableto build, type of rural government to promote, type of special industry oriented and type ofsuper agricultural docking. Considering the healthy and order development of vegetablespecialty cooperative organization, the study analyzed and compared the advantage anddisadvantage of these operating models, and took improved and perfect measures fromgovernment, agriculture and farmers to cope with problems. The government shouldstrengthen propaganda and inducement, increase financial support, perfect mechanism of landtransfer, encourage more farmers join in vegetable specialty cooperative organization. Theleader of vegetable specialty cooperative organization should promote the policy of scienceand technology promoting agriculture, introduce professional persons, build the type of the government, scientific research institutions and enterprises to bond to research new vegetablespecies by us so that Chinese vegetable specialty cooperative organizations can ownadvantage in international market. Besides, As for farmer, vegetable specialty cooperativeorganizations should increase training strength, set up regularly training course to impartprofessional knowledge to farmers, improve farmer’s quality, promote profound developmentof the cooperative.
Keywords/Search Tags:shou guang, vegetable specialty cooperative organization, operating model
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