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The Problem And Countermeasures Of Rural Microfinance’s Development In Guangdong

Posted on:2014-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LuFull Text:PDF
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As the Rural Microfinance to meet the financial needs of the credit model, since the1960s and1970s, in developing countries has been a huge development. In China, Rural Microfinancestarted late, since the early1990s began to introduce the implementation of rural microfinancemodel, rural micro-credit in rural financial markets ease monetary supply and demand, broadeninvestment channels credit cooperatives, rural financial structure optimization achievedremarkable results. At the end of June2013, there were7086small loan companies, loan balanceof704.3billion, the number continued to grow over the years. China is an agricultural populouscountry, agriculture is the foundation of national economy. As the economically developed,Guangdong province has been at the forefront of the country. However, with the development ofmarket economy, and the credit system is imperfect. Guangdong Rural Microfinance also faces aseries of problems, and even more serious in rural areas there is the phenomenon of financialrepression. As the rural financial products microfinance services do not meet rural capital needs,and large state-owned banks gradually shrink outlets in rural areas, rural financial institution slowinterest rates, the lack of effective management mechanism such problems are endemic, is notconducive to micro finance in rural Guangdong long-term development.The difficulties faced by the author through field surveys, author interview the person incharge and other ways to research and analysis, attempts from the Guangdong Provincial RuralMicrofinance Development of departure, from the macro and micro-level data analysis reasoningstudy counter measures. Article is divided into a total of four parts: First, the origins of ruralmicrofinance, function, an devolution of micro finance risk, performance and other related issueswill be explained. Then briefly describes the development of the international community moresuccessful rural microfinance in several countries characteristics, combined with China’s currentsituation, analyzing the current over all rural microfinance characteristics and trends. This chaptersurveys the main part through the typical case, the combination of comparative analysis, the useof field research data analysis, the development of micro-credit in rural areas run status,characteristics and difficulties encountered by Guangdong Province. Under countries in the worldand the successful experience of the developed provinces, author identified the sustainabledevelopment of microfinance in rural Guangdong by several counter measures.Rural Microfinance has become an important part of the financial system, therefore, inGuangdong Province, rural micro-credit research on active rural financial market is useful to solvethe financial crisis, meet the financial needs of farmers home business issues with far-reaching practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Microfinance, Rural finance, Problem, Sustainable development
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