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Research On Xinzheng Jujube Regional Brand Development Strategy

Posted on:2014-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425473949Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the in-depth development of economic globalization and integration, toparticipate in market competition, enhance brand value through building an entirely newmarketing philosophy to promote the brand development, has become an important victoryin the competition idea. A regional brand development not only affects the economicdevelopment of the region but also wins a new mode for regional competition. Developinga regional brand is a systems engineering.Xinzheng jujube, as a regional brand of Xinzheng city Henan province, is of greatsignificance to economic development in Xinzheng area, There are many factors affectingregional brand development in Xinzheng jujube. To deal with a wide range of factors,grasp the inherent laws of development, mobilize all positive factors, can promoteXinzheng jujube regional brands in a comprehensive, balanced and sustainable way. In thecourse of this complex system, Marxist philosophy can provide a scientific world outlookand methodology for Xinzheng jujube regional brand development strategy.Based on the research of persistence and breakthrough of traditional brandmanagement, it is innovotive to combine philosophy together with brand management,intending to build a new brand-management philosophy, taking in philosophical light intothe field of brand management, which highlights the importance of Marxist philosophy as ascientific world outlook and methodology.This paper first elaborates on the theories related to Xinzheng jujube regional branddevelopment strategy: brand theory, theory of regional brand, theory of regional brand ofagricultural products, marketing principles, understanding and research of crisismanagement theories. By the law of universal relation, the paper emphasizes the brandeffects of multiple factors and relations. By the law of change and development of theworld, the paper highlights the fragility and vulnerability of brands. By the basic rules andlinks of the world relation and development, the paper stresses that marketing philosophyis a new marketing concept integrating product, production and society. By the law ofmutual change of quality and quantity and with dialectical negation law of philosophy, thepaper emphasizes odd behaviors and routine work are the quantitative basis of crises.Secondly, through a combination of dialectical and historical perspectives, the paperanalyses the historical basis of Xinzheng jujube regional brand development strategy. Bymeans of philosophical thinking of historical materialism, the paper observes andanalyses the problems related to Xinzheng jujube regional brand development. The development should be built on the existing historical foundation, becuase only a highlyunified historical and realistic thinking of brand strategy is the best theory for guiding thecurrent brand strategy in practice.Thirdly, from a high philosophical standpoint, the paper undertakes a deep analysisof development environment of Xinzheng jujube regional brand. Marxist philosophy is ascientific world outlook and methodology, thus provides a sharp ideological weapon forthe analysis of Xinzheng jujube regional brand development. Guided by Marxistphilosophy, the paper analyses the development environments of Xinzheng jujube regionalbrand in terms of techniques, politics, competition, consumer.Finally, the paper puts forward countermeasures for practical problems. The task ofphilosophy is not only to know the world, but to change the world. The paper proposes toimprove product quality, enhance the development potential, strengthen governmentalguidance and the association function, promote brand through various media, enrichthe brand based on Regulus culture, enhance the responsibilities and status of enterprises,cultivate a sense of crisis, amplify real-life strategies for the sound management system.All this is to promote the regional brand construction of Xinzheng jujube.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinzheng jujube, regional brand, development strategy
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