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High-tech Products Analysis Of Marketing Channel Construction

Posted on:2014-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y LiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330422457346Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of the High-tech products analysis of marketing channelconstruction has supply the new demands. In recent years, the market of high-techproducts become more and more fierce, want to occupy more market share in themarket competition, which occupies a space for one person in the competition, moreand more high-tech company began construction and improvement of working on theirown channel. Especially with the increase in the number of foreign technologycompanies, they not only occupy the high-end consumer market but also has advancedtechnology and perfect marketing channel, occupy a favorable position in thecompetition, so the construction and management of high-tech enterprises in Chinamarketing channel is imperative.Service marketing channels as the key point of competition, realize the customerand then seize the market target would depend on the success of preemptive channel.Along with the channel marketing theme from "sell" to today’s "full service",construction and management of channels becomes particularly important. At the sametime, Chinese high-tech enterprises should also clearly see, just building standardchannel "hardware" is not enough to complete the implementation of the marketingchannel development strategy, operation and management of the "software" buildingalso be imperative.High technology products to enter the market as a commodity, of course, also wantto through certain channels to finally reach the hands of users. High technologyproducts because of their own characteristics, in general the marketing channelcompared to traditional products is short and narrow, but they both flow properties ofgeneral merchandise, but also has its own particularity. High technology products,high-grade and high competition, require their marketing channel has a high level of.How to combine the characteristics of high-tech enterprises to establish appropriatemarketing channels is an important issue currently facing China’s high-tech enterprises.In this paper, after reading lots of literature and case analysis channel construction andintegration, on the basis of research results, from the analysis of the influence factors of marketing channel management, analyses the theory of marketing channel innovation.Combined with the specific high-tech company in the marketing channel constructionand management of the status of the analysis, to explore the marketing channel nowdefects of high-tech enterprises and the development direction in the future. The firstchapter of this paper put forward the question, the second chapter, the third chapteranalyses problems in the base of introduction of concept and theoretical overview,chapter fourth, chapter fifth is mainly to solve the problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-tech products, marketing channel, channel construction
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