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The Research Of Development Of Micro-Loan Business Of A Bank

Posted on:2014-11-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HuangFull Text:PDF
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Since the1970’s, many foreign countries and regions began to try to explore the new way of relief for the poor, which is called the micro financial way. This makes the traditional financial formidable exploration, made hundreds of millions of poor people can be involved in the various forms of the financial sector, and onto the road of poverty alleviation to become rich. After this, more and more countries adopt the type system of loan management mode, ushered in a new era of small business loans. Since2005, China began to pilot the micro credit financing project, also closely keep up with the pace of financial development in Guangxi, begin to incorporate small enterprise loan business services category. Professor Wu Jing-lian, which is a famous economist in our country, at the first time puts forward the concept of "small micro enterprise", is called by a joint name including a small, miniature enterprise, cottage industry enterprise, individual industrial and commercial households. In this paper, the author studies on small enterprise, also called the miniature enterprise, belongs to the category of small micro enterprise as well. Small business lending in narrow the gap between society, eliminate poverty and promote social financial stability has far-reaching significance, the study of small business loans, not only for small enterprises to ease loan difficult problem, also can on the micro loan program for the bank to provide more and better services to open up new ideas.This article from A bank to carry out small enterprise loan business perspective, studied the present situation of our city commercial banks in small enterprise loan business, A bank to carry out small enterprise loan business present situation and in the fierce market competition A bank faces a series of problems, by analyzing the causes of these problems, put forward the corresponding solution strategy, in order to open up A bank of other small business customers, and the Guangxi area similar micro loan business developed by bank provides important reference basis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Small business, loan, city commercial bank
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