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The Tertiary Industry To Promote Employment Problems And Countermeasures

Posted on:2013-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401982206Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the progresses of Reform and opening up in past30years,the continuousdevelopment of social economy and the improvement of people’s life, the role oftertiary industry in society in the process of economic development becomes more andmore important, and the tertiary industry accounts for the proportion of the wholenational economy has reached43.4%, however, the rapid economic growth doesn’tsolve the employment problems.From the aspect of domestic increasingly tough Employment market, the firstindustry employment had already reached the limit, the capacity of the secondindustry to Employment absorb has researched a steady state during theself-revolution and complete, in some developed countries, second industry evenrejects the labor force to some extent, however, the tertiary industry which is in startingstage has become the main source of solving employment problems in manydeveloped countries because of its diversified industrial structure and flexibleemployment mode, and plays an important role in the process of modern economydeveloping.China has a population of1.3billion, the problems of employment are moreserious than other countries, so we need to use the experiences of ways solvingemployment problems in other countries as reference, focus on the development oftertiary industry. The analysis of the observations and the statistical data shows that thedevelopment of tertiary industry is an effective way to promote the first industry andsecondary industry, and it’s also an important way to solve the employment problem.Compared to the proportion of the territory industry GDP in developed counties, theGDP of territory industry in China takes a lower proportion. It maintains a level around40.0%, which is not good for the developments of the first and secondaryindustry, even has the bad influence to the development of the whole economy. tertiaryindustry includes both the modern and traditional service industry, the industry typesof inside are diverse, it has a high capacity of Employment absorb with variety waysof Obtain employment, with the scientific development view in as the guidingideology, the aim of sustainable development premise, improve people’s living standards,accumulate the social death, we need to begin with the developing the tertiary industry, improveits structure and the main competitiveness, accomplish the mandate from the history throughPractical ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:The tertiary industry, employment problems, countermeasures
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