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Development And Effects Analysis Of New Energy Cooperation Between China And Japan

Posted on:2014-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401962137Subject:World economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of the economy and increasing traditional energydepletion, it has been difficult to rely solely on traditional energy sources to ensure thestable development of the national economy. Combined with the increasingly seriousenvironmental problems brought about by the consumption of traditional energy. Statesbegan to focus on the development of new energy industries。China and Japan itself isenergy consuming countries that most of the energy rely on imports; what’s more theirnatural resources is limit and the ability of self-sufficiency is poor. With the rapiddevelopment of China and Japan’s economy, especially China’s economy, the demand forresources will continue to rise. Although the two countries have different politicalsystems and ideologies, and there are serious problems left by history, but theincreasingly close economic ties between the two countries in recent year showsprosperity, a loss for both the momentum. Combined with the different advantages of thetwo countries in the field of new energy development, it has become particularlyimportant to achieve cooperation and seek common development.The whole article is divided into four parts:The first part is the analysis of New Energy Development and Cooperation betweenChina and Japan. First, This paper introduces the development status of China’s newenergy, As the largest developing country in the world, China is still in the post-industrialera, the development of the economy is still largely dependent on traditional energysources. As traditional growing depletion and environmental problems brought about bythe traditional energy have become increasingly prominent, it has been difficult toprotect the development of China’s economic rely solely on traditional energy sources,the government departments in China come to realize the importance of the developmentof new energy in recent years. The government has given great support of the new energyindustry on industrial policy, the macroeconomic policies of the new energy have beenimproved gradually. Focus on encouraging the development of hydropower, biomass,wind and solar power。Although the Chinese government efforts to develop new energyindustry, but because of the limitations of the new energy, coupled with the country alsois in its infancy, The level of new energy technologies still very low except hydropower, solar energy utilization, it can not meet the rapid development of the marketrequirements. Secondly, This paper introduces the development status of Japan’s newenergy, Because of lacking natural resources, Japan ’s new energy development startedearlier and has achieved remarkable success, the new energy market share is expanding,Japan has developed into the world’s largest new energy countries. Finally, the paper willintroduce the necessity and the status for New Energy cooperation between China andJapan. Cooperation is the trend of the times, and the two countries have differentadvantages in the field of new energy development, achieve cooperation can do awin-win situation. As early as2003, China and Japan had been discussed the energycooperation, but stay at the theoretical level.The second part is the theoretical basis of the new energy cooperation. First, thepaper introduces the relationship between resources, environment and economicdevelopment. Resource is the protection of the economic development and it is also abottleneck restricting economic development, economic development needs adequateresources. As the traditional resources is limit so that people began to realize theimportance of the development of new energy. On the other hand, the economicdevelopment inevitably will bring environmental issues, economic slowdown or evenstagnation does not improve the environment. In summary, the development of newenergy is the only way out for us out of the economic development bottleneck, and themost effective way for the development of new energy is international cooperation, wecan say that the new energy cooperation is a major trend of the development of newenergy in the world, it can boost the country’s economic growth effectively, and it canalso solve environmental problems. This paper will construct a new energy cooperationindex which can be a good measure of the economic and environmental effects of thenew energy cooperation。The third part is an empirical analysis of the effect of new energy cooperation. Paperselected the annual data from1991to2010in the empirical analysis, it will research therelationship among new energy cooperation, economic and environment by constructinga VAR model。The research results show that achieving a new energy cooperationbetween China and Japan can boost the economic development effectively and can alsoreduce dependence on foreign energy, what’s more it can inhibit carbon dioxide emissions effectively, so it can improve the environment and achieve green growth,which proves the necessity of the New Energy cooperation between China and Japan。The fourth part is policy recommendations of new energy cooperation. First thepaper will introduce the obstacles of new energy cooperation, including the lack of clearinvestment cooperation mechanism, legal mechanisms are not sound enough,disagreement caused by traditional historical issues can not be changed within a shorttime. Then a number of policy recommendations will be put forward to against theseobstacles, including the establishment of a bottom-up cooperation mode and a practicalsoft agenda, strengthening the regulatory framework for the coordination, strengtheningthe protection of intellectual property rights, establishing formal energy cooperationinstitutions, promoting friendly exchanges of official and non-governmental.In short, China and Japan have broad-based in renewable energy, they havetremendous potential and highly complementary. China has a huge labor force, richrenewable energy resources and markets, Japan has funds, advancedtechnology,renewable energy laws and regulations, experience of market managementand establishment of the mechanism,Japan did well on energy conservation and theoperation of the market, this is worthy for us to learn. From the establishment of astrategic partnership to form a high-level economic and trade cooperation forum, Chinaand Japan has commenced a series of cooperation in the field of new energy,andachieved mutual benefit through complementing advantages. I believe that China andJapan usher in a new period of prosperity in the field of new energy cooperation, and thusit will become a new economic growth point in the day.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sino-Japanese, New energy cooperation, VAR, Impulse response, Variance decomposition
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