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Rural Labor Migrant Impact On Local Economic Development

Posted on:2014-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401480956Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Presently, issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area of China have turn into a new developmental stage. Although farmers have changed their thought, mode of production and life, a portion of farmers turn to citizens, worker, businessmen, private entrepreneurs, majority of farmers still undertake the important task of to promote agricultural modernization, build new socialism country and realize well-to-do target. Therefore, study the issues of rural labor force migration influence on the local economic and social development in the new period, that possess realistic and important meaning to promote rural reform, speed up the rural economic and social development and lead farmers building a well-off society in an all-round way. At this stage rural migrant labor is the most directly and effective way to increase farmer’s income and balance urban and rural social and economic development. By means of investigation for rural migrant situation in Shishou city, and analysis of influences on rural migrant labor on the development of local economy and countermeasures, these have important practical significance to do with reasonable guidance external flow of surplus rural labor force and promote local economic and social development.This article research by literature, confirm the direction about influences on rural migrant labor on the development of local economy and countermeasures. Secondly, collect relevant information by going to the local area for the research, analysis and survey. Then, under the premise of the relevant data providing by the Bureau of Statistics of ShiShou City, base on all kings of relevant theoretical research, analysis the influences on Rural migrant labor on the development of local economy and countermeasures, and by draw inferences about other cases form one instance, investigate positive and negative part of rural migrant labor influences on Rural migrant labor on the development of local economy and countermeasures, find the solution about it, finally complete this article.Through the research, the author found:(1) with continuous development of society, out-migration for work become the route one must take to improve rural labor force’s life conditional. The investigation of Shishou city is proof this point again:by end of2011, there are81,172people get out for work among Shishou rural labor force, is about79.13%of total personnel, and most of rural labor migration go to the other province to get work, especialy to Guangdong Province.(2) Rural labor force of Shishou overall cultural level is not high, that is necessary to take them to skill training to improve their work ability.(3) All kinds of Shishou main economic indicators is steady-state growth, only the grain output is decrease.(4) Due to the lack of agricultural production stamina, so there are some problems such as stay-at-home elderly and children and so on.Form the diagnoses, we believe that the rural labor migrant has the following characteristics:(1) Migration workers mostly are married young men, and become younger in average age.(2) Migration workers’level of education is generally improved and slightly higher than the local staff left behind in rural areas.(3) After vocational skills training, migrant workers have increased the level of skill level, but not many people want to receive training.(4) Manufacture industry is the main work field of rural migration, the proportion of product transportation facilities workers is highest.(5) Work area transfer to Yangtze River Delta, middle-west of China and so on.(6) The way of rural migration go out is singleness, that is mostly introduced by relatives or friends, is not normal introduced or organized by government and intermediary organization.(7) Their rights and interests of labor can basically be guaranteed. The survey data show that labor intensity of rural migration is still hard, but tremendously labor intensive is decrease, and employing units are aware of observe labor laws and care about employee.(8) The income of rural migration’s family is basically increase by a large margin.Large numbers of rural migrant labor both have positive and negative impact on the development of local economy and countermeasures. Shishou city rural migrant labor plays an important role on alleviate family poverty, increase the income of rural residents, and improve the welfare of the family. In a sense, labor mobility also contributed to the flow of resources and restructuring of capital, land, labor, and other elements. It is to create the conditions for the further circulation of the land and it has played a certain role in promoting the differentiation of the farmers which have contributed to the deepening of the division of labor in rural areas and production degree of specialization and rural market. Therefore, this is very important to the underdeveloped poverty-stricken areas’anti-poverty strategy and to the start and development of modern agriculture. But we must be aware that the large number of higher educational level of young male migrant not only increase the labor intensity of remaining rural areas labor, but also bring a negative impact on promote the use of advanced agricultural technology and the development of modern agriculture. For example, rural migrant labor caused waste of land resources and hard to circulation of the land; rural young labor migrant influence public utilities rapid growth; rural young labor migrant increase the difficulty of management of family planning; disorderly flow of rural migrant labor increase social instability etc.Through the research of influences on rural migrant labor on the development of local economy and countermeasures, we can conclude that rural labor migrant is a modern development of an irreversible phenomenon. It is an indisputable fact that the number and frequency of increase and the reduction of the young labor force in rural areas as the rural labor force of migrant workers. At the same time, it is unavailing to worry about negative influence of rural migration or hope to stop this trend. Therefore, we should take a series of measure and reform to promote transfer of rural labor healthy development. The author suggest:(1) set up a land managed mechanism to ensure that the land transfer is not abandoned.(2) Develop township enterprises to ensure that farmers do not leave their homes.(3) Strengthen rural social management to address vulnerable groups’worries and difficulties.(4) Strengthen staff skills training to promote labor out on the grade.(5) Develop strong policies to absorb migrant workers return home.(6) Enrich the cultural life of farmers to promote the new rural social civilized custom. Thus, to promote the flow of population combined with the development of large-scale agricultural operations to improve the life situation of rural farmers. Improve production and living conditions in rural areas to promote the return home re-employment of personnel engaged in agriculture. Formulate preferential policies to attract young people engaged in agriculture which can improve the quality of the agricultural labor force and strengthen the construction of rural grassroots cadres’ team. Promote the construction of social undertakings in rural areas to improve rural people’s livelihood.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural labor force, Migrant workers, Local economic development, Land transfer
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