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Research On Insurance Asset Management Market In China

Posted on:2014-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F XinFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, the rapid development of China’s insurance industry, the gradualexpansion of the insurance market, unprecedented influence of the insurance industry, ithas become one of the people are an integral part of the daily life of the financial industry.At the same time, the insurance competition increasing, continuous compression of profitmargins of insurance products, the insurance company’s underwriting profit has beenclose to zero. More and more insurance companies will be profitable eyes on theinsurance asset management. Investment income of insurance assets has become themain source of profits for insurance companies and insurance asset managementcapabilities have become the major forces that live in the development of the insurancecompany.China’s insurance asset management industry started relatively late, Established in2003, the country’s first insurance asset management companies—China PICC AssetManagement Company. Insurance asset management industry is developing very quickly,less than a decade has been the establishment of the15insurance asset managementcompanies. Nevertheless, the Chinese insurance asset management is still faced withmany problems: narrow investment channels, one-third of the insurance assets still existin the form of bank deposits; investment income is low, the lack of investmentprofessionals; risk management and risk monitoring, there is a hidden room forimprovement and upgrading; Insurance asset management companies in the shareholdingstructure, performance appraisal methods, and information disclosure system exposed.Insurance asset management market-oriented is a key to solve China’s insuranceassets management issues. Through market-oriented way, it can broaden the insuranceasset investment channels, to attract insurance investment professionals, portfolio toreduce investment risk and increase return on investment, and further improve theexisting problems of insurance asset management companies. Currently, China’sinsurance asset management supervision still more stringent, insurance asset investmentchannels and the investment ratio has yet to open and reach a reasonable level. Rising asthe voice of insurance asset management market, the China Insurance RegulatoryCommission to start thinking about our insurance asset management market related issues. The focus of this research is to explore the future would be modeled on thedeveloped countries to promote insurance asset management market, and should payattention to the problem as well as the early market-oriented proposals.The first is the theoretical analysis of insurance asset management market, majorinsurance asset management market-oriented basic theories including insurance assetmanagement market investment channels for insurance asset management market riskand insurance asset management market-oriented model. Author in Chapters II and III,respectively,Experience Chinese insurance asset management status and developedcountries, experience the inadequacies of China’s insurance asset management as well asinterested parties from the perspective of comparative analysis. Chapters IV and V is thecore of this article. The fourth chapter from economics and empirical point of view toanalyze the feasibility of our insurance asset management market. The fifth chapter is theinsurance asset management market-oriented proposals. Author of two angles forinsurance regulators and insurance companies were recommendations, hoping this willhelp to initiate and develop related policies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Insurance assets, Insurance investment, Risk, Income, Market-oriented
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