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The Strategy And Development Of Mobile3G Operators

Posted on:2014-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330398996479Subject:Physical Electronics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the arrival of3G era, the global telecommunications industry, the rapid development of the mobile communications industry is extremely active. As the next era of personal communication the most advantageous means of communication, mobile communication occupies a leading position. However, the mobile user’s business interests diversified, the increasing demand for data transmission,3G upgrade as a higher level of demand for data services, will undoubtedly become the mainstream of the next generation of mobile communications, operators realize a new industrial growth innovative ways. Therefore, the development of3G will become the strategic direction and the inevitable choice of China Mobile.This article describes the3G the background, both market demand, but also the technical requirements, to give a rough overview about the3G technology development process, business model, market positioning,3G face not only risk but also brought opportunities and challenges, and according to China Mobile3G business development status of China Mobile3G network operators and development strategies were elaborated at the same time, the paper also focused on the environment and competition faced by China Mobile and3G applications on the mobile communications industry in China, pointed out that the3G the development trend of the business. By analysis of3G technology and business features,3G faced the risks and challenges combined with the market environment and the current situation faced by China Mobile, discusses the business development strategy to be taken by China Mobile, the overall strategy to reduce churn, market development strategy etc. to expand the mobile marketing business competitive advantage.
Keywords/Search Tags:3G business, competition, operation strategy, development
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