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Research On Ecology And Economy’s Coordinated Development Evaluation In Lin’an City

Posted on:2013-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330374472401Subject:Agricultural extension
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The county, as the basic unit of our country’s administrative area distribution, itseconomic development is also the important basis of whole national economy.The countyeconomy is not only the key of constructing the socialist new countryside but also the important basis ofdeveloping small towns. With our country’s socialist new countryside forward, the Party CentralCommittee pays highly attention to the development of county economy, the county economy will comeinto the big development period and usher a new development stage. At present, the main factor oflimiting the development of county economy is the deterioration of economy development andecological environment. To establish the county economy with ecological and economic developmentcoordinated growth, which has significance in implementing the scientific planning, constructing thesocialist harmonious society and socialist new countryside.This paper is based on linan city’s three decades ecological development and economic growth’srelated indicator data. After the description and analysis on the overall situations, use the analytichierarchy process to determine the coordination of ecological economy’s evaluation index weight. Anduse the coefficient variation’s coordination degree model do quantitative evaluation analysis on Lin’anCity’s ecological and economic coordination degrees in1978–2008. Do analysis on the changes’reason on the ecological and economic coordinate development in different stages. The findings are asfollows,(1) Economic development indicators shown that Lin’an City’s economic development are broadlydivided in three stages, gentle rise in1978-1990, accelerated growth in1991-2000and rapiddevelopment in2001-2008.(2) Ecological indicators shown that Lin’an City’s eco-development course has gone through therecession stage in1978-1985, transition stage in1986-2000and the rapid growth stage in the year of2001-2008.(3) The coordinated development indicators shown that in the year of1978-1985is in disorder andrecession stage, in which ecological and economic indicators showing an inverse relationship; in theyear of1986-2000is in general disorder recession stage, which takes as the transition stage. Buteconomic and ecological indicators have improved markedly; in the year of2001-2008is in coordinatedevelopment stage, which ecological and economic development indicators have a very clear correlation.Within the short span of eight years, the two aspects is developed from the general coordination to the good coordination and finally into the early stage of high-quality coordination.(4) Main reasons of Lin’an City’s economic and ecological changes:①because of the government’serror guidance in the early stage, development mode mainly is extensive operation, which causes theecological and economic showing disorder and recession state;②in the middle period, because Lin’anCity’s economic development is constrained by the ecological environment, the government dogovernance to forestry, industrial economic and water quality management and it has a certain effect;③in the late period, Lin’an City’s municipal government based on the solid foundation laid by theprevious stage and local ecological resources, increased ecology’s protection and developed eco-tourism.And this drives Lin’an City’s scientific, educational, cultural and health development, which makesLin’an City’s ecology and economy’s coordinated development state in this period.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lin’an, ecology, economy, coordinated development
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