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Research On Network Coding Technology And Its Application In The Internet

Posted on:2015-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330431464010Subject:Optical communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Network coding theory allows nodes in the network to encode the informationpackets received from its input links linearly or non-linearly and it has overturned thetraditional view on information transmission completely. Through network coding wecan obtain the benefits of maximum capacity of multicast, saving in bandwidth,loadbalancing and so on. The main contents and results in this paper are summarized asfollows:1. Based on a directed acyclic graph model, the integration of network codingtechnology and internet is analyzed carefully, and the actual deployment of networkcoding in the internet is studied in detail from the network model, protocol expand,node function setting, packet format design and specific process in a node.2. In view of the rapid development of the Internet, implementation scheme ofapplication is designed and given to make the network coding technology feasible inInternet and a novel scheme named Serial Assembling Scheme (SAS) is proposed toalign IP packets. It is not only compatible with the TCP/IP protocols, but alsointroduces padding bytes (PB) with a mathematical expectation half the in-degree, andthe ratio of PB decreases sharply as average packet length increases. Numericalanalysis based on queuing theory and simulations demonstrate that SAS performs wellin improving performance of the network.3. A novel network coding strategy with maximum throughput using geneticalgorithm (GA) is proposed. The coding strategy establishes the mapping relationshipbetween input and output links and allows fairness of receiver nodes. Experimentalresults demonstrate that the coding strategy surpasses existing store-and-forwardmechanism in terms of effectiveness and throughput.Although multicast by network coding can get many benefits, there are still manyproblems to be solved. This article had did some exploring in the practical aspects, butat present this technology still lacks of enough research, and we look forward to adeeper exploration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network coding, Internet, Queuing theory, Genetic algorithm, Throughput
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