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Design And Implementation Of Website For The Disabled Training Center

Posted on:2015-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330428996119Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s existing60million people with disabilities, about5%of the totalpopulation. In recent years, with the development of economic, social, national, socialinvestment for people with disabilities is increasing, survival status, and employmentstatus of persons with disabilities has been greatly improved. For persons withdisabilities and families to achieve the dream of employment is possible to improve thefamily income, rich people with disabilities live, and enhance confidence in life ofpeople with disabilities to realize the value of life for persons with disabilities; the stateand society, to solve the employment of persons with disabilities, the employment ofpersons with disabilities to relieve stress, help to create a "harmonious society." It alsocan develop and tap the productivity of people with disabilities, to create social wealth.The project aims to develop a training center for the disabled web systems, real-timeand efficient help for the disabled friend.Project to JSP technology development language, the technology is currently usedin network programming language most widely used, its good compatibility, andsecurity has been widely recognized and supported. The manipulation of databasetechnology is extremely convenient. This article also gives running JSP files, JSP filesare first converted to a java file, and then java files into class files, and create a servletobjects. Almost any operation using a JDBC connection to the database technology,which is an important control network programming language for database operations,through this technology, JSP language can be achieved on the database. Meanwhile,considering the site SQL injection issues. Through the basic concepts of SQL injection,understanding of the principles, implementation measures adopted to prevent SQLinjection.The overall system requirements include: user management system, disabledpublicity systems, document management systems, social commissioned training baseonline registration system, publicity related work systems, electronic recordsmanagement system. After that, each of the six subsystems demand description. User management system includes features include: user registration, password recovery,user authentication, user data changes. Disabled publicity system includes functions are:propaganda article added promotional articles review, modify propaganda articles,promotional articles, and publicize the article shows, the user evaluation content.Document management system is mainly used to manage office documents, sharing ofresources. Document management system includes features include: file upload, filedownload, delete files and browse the files of four use cases. Online registration systemis mainly used to implement online registration functionality. Features include onlineregistration system are: online registration application, check your personal information,personal information changes, initiate training activities, information and statistics.Publicity system functions related work should be included are: publicity contentuploads; modify the contents of publicity, publicity and publicity deleting contentretrieval. Functional electronic records system should include: electronic file upload,electronic files to modify, delete electronic records, electronic records retrieval andelectronic file directory management. Finally, in addition to the need to explore thefunctional requirements of the system, but also need to consider the performancerequirements of the system. Performance requirements include response rate stabilitywebsites, website concurrent processing capability, web, SEO optimization, usability,friendliness, portability and maintainability.Although the site has been completed training center for the disabled, and after acertain amount of testing. However, because of the time, and some contents of thesystem need to be further improved. First, the system needs to be further tested, adjustedto achieve the elimination of logical errors, in line with the purpose of user surfinghabits; secondly, taking into account the part of the visually impaired friends also needto use the site, so they need to fully take into account the special needs increase thevoice features that make the site can also provide services for these friends.
Keywords/Search Tags:Website, training centers, JSP, SQL injection
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