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The Design And Realization Of Bank Deposit Management System Based On Three-Tier.NET Architecture

Posted on:2015-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D B MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330428484156Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of bank business and the application of modern informationtechnology as well as more and more popularity of digital life, in order to create intelligenttechnology tools and equipment and improve the effectiveness of the bank, it is necessary totransform the physical space of the bank to the information space. The construction of bankinformatization, mainly includes three aspects, namely that management informatization,technical informatization, and personnel informatization, while bank deposit system is only apart of the bank informatization, it is one of the most important parts, because bank savings isthe most commonly activities of our real life. As far as the savings business is concerned,whether the bank, whether foreign or domestic, although the business category is slightlydifferent and there are differences in the calculation of interest, the savings is the essence ofthe same. After China’s entry into WTO, the bank’s business is gradually coincidence with theinternational standards, the banks themselves also need to constantly improve serviceawareness and service quality to meet the challenges of globalization. Therefore, it is greatsignificance to achieve savings bank information management technologyThis paper introduces the state of the art of.NET technology firstly. And then design andrealize the bank deposit management system based on.NET three layer architecture. Thesystem provide a business communication platform between banks and customers. Users canlogin the system and transfer, query, modify the password operation. Business staff can log onto the system to accounts or cancellation or report the loss or hanging solutions or loans andother business processing. The administrator can manage user information and personnelinformation to maintenance management and the rate of updates.Bank deposit management system uses the MVC design pattern and it is divided intopresentation layer and business layer, business layer and data layer. After the system test, itshows that the response time of the system is within3seconds, the operation result is correctand proved the system is simply operate and has friendly interface.
Keywords/Search Tags:MVC, .NET, ADO, database
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