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Research On Emergency Management Of JG Commercial Bank Information Security

Posted on:2014-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q MaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425487062Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In2013, the American "prism" incident and the divulgation caused by Struts2ha ve attracted the global attention, so that many companies and individuals are aware of the importance of information’s security. With the development of the science and tec hnology, the information technology has entered in all areas of th banking. The comm ercial bank relies more and more on IT and the information system. To guarantee the security of the bank’s system of main information is so related to the normal daily ope ration of banking. The very problem of the information system would have a big influ ence on the banking. So the banks have realized the importance of the emergency ma nagement of the information security. The risk of information security becomes the on ly system’s danger that could lead to the paralysis of the bank. The bank’s informatio n technology department pays more and more attention to the management of emerge ncy in the area of the system of information.This article makes an analysis of the management of emergency for the information security, combined with JG commercial bank’s actual situation in this area. It tries to provide some concepts that should be established in order to solve the main problems in the information security. It demonstrates how to build the system of management for emergency of information security, from the points of emergency management’s warning mechanism, contingency plans, recovery system of disasters, the organization of emergency management, the disclosure of information and the logistical support. At the same time, it offers several advices to establish the system of emergency management, combined with the nine process groups of emergency management. It hopes, through analysis of theory and practice, to provide a valuable reference for JG’s information security emergency management.
Keywords/Search Tags:commercial bank, Information Security, emergency management
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