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The Duty Information System For The Control Center Of Zhongshan City Public Security Bureau

Posted on:2014-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425468942Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s urbanization has been accelerated with the rapid economic growth, whichincreases the scarcity of land resources, especially in urban areas. The efficiency ofutilized land resources attracts anxiety of government, land and resources managementdepartments as well as the whole society. However, according to a2010survey, thereare still a number of vacant land resources (VLR). This thesis aims to improve themanagement of VLR via geographic information technology and databasemanagement technology with the current informatization of VLR management(VLRM). Geographic image data will help the decision-making and supervision. Thework is as follows:In the chapter one, We propose the problems in VLRM as well as solutions withdomestic and international experience and the status of VLRM.In the chapter two, wesurvey the demands of VLRM and analysis the functional requirements and feasibilityof VLRM information system (VLRMIS) with a systematic approach.In the chapterthree,We model and design the three-tier object-oriented client/browser structure andits function modules and user cases with Unified Modeling Language (UML). In thechapter Four, we design a "SQL Server+ArcGIS" multi-source database managementsolutions. Geodatabase data model unifies geospatial data and vector data, andArcSDE connects the spatial database and attribute database efficiently.In the lastchapter, we develop and test the core function modules of VLRMIS.This thesis is based on systematic software development process, according to therequirements analysis, system design, system development, system testing, softwareengineering processes, and ultimately the real meaning of idle land resourcesmanagement information system, to a certain extent to meet the practical managementthe information needs.This thesis discusses the problems of VLRM and its solutionswith information technology. Furthermore, we develop and verify VLRMIS to meet, tosome extent, the actual management information needs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management Information System, VLRM, Database, GeographicInformation
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