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Informationization Platfrom Of Heilongjiang Institute Of Technology And Realization For Its Campus Card System

Posted on:2014-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425468835Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
HeiLongJiang Institute of Technology is a famous college. Now there are more than14200full-time undergraduate students, and more than2500adult education students.Multimedia computer and network is one of the most active, the most rapidly growing,the most widely affected filed. It has changed the way we live and work, in the sametime it has changed our way of education. Campus’ informationization construction isbecoming more and more important. Almost every countries of the world are strive todevelop Information School. In recently years, many universities in our countryimplement campus card system, and it provides a great convenience for the schoolteaching and life management.In this paper, according to the actual development situation, we discussed thedirection of system development, and we made a system design and planning for theconstruction of Information School. At last, I have designed the campus card system. Ithelps students and teaching and administrative staff use one card instead of three or fourcard. It makes people live convenient and it resolves the problem of all kinds of data’suniformity and normalization. The management work is become more and moreefficient.This system has used many computer technology and Network security technology.It makes one-card consumption、manage、service come true. This system use.NETdevelopment platform, B/S and C/S. Security issues is one of the core problems ofcampus card system, this system use P2DR2model. It achieve the goal that use one card,we can do everything in our school. we analysis of the key issues to be addressed,described the system design of the key technology in detail in this paper. The systemuses. NET technology development platform, Applications B/S and C/S hybridarchitecture system, UML Unified Modeling Language, and P2DR2security model todesign and develop the system. Then analysis the system needs. The core platform ofinformation technology campus has been designed, and described the implementation ofthe entire program in detail. Finally, the campus card system has been designed, and theintroduced the relevant subsystem, and the card system were tested.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information School, campus card system, P2DR2model
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