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The Application Of The Optimal Dynamic Path Mechanism On Network Storage

Posted on:2014-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330422955072Subject:Control theory and control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the emergence of the "big data", diversified data in the application of humanlife is becoming more and more widely. This contributed to the storage technologyconstantly updated and changed, therefore the enterprises and the users’ data storageapplications must have a high efficiency and diversity, so the network storage system inthe era of "big data" to get fast development space. System based on high fault tolerance,mass storage, high network bandwidth and automation management mode will be thedevelopment goals of network storage system. In the design of large-scale networkstorage system, network resource allocation and data storage system managementstrategy must be a research focus, because uses resources both in improving users’satisfaction and for the network storage system’s overall performance will have asignificant impact.In the study of network storage system, this paper by introducing the optimaldynamic path mechanism, combined with the architecture of network storage system,build the network storage based on the theory of Pareto model; At the same time, inview of the network storage system studies the data distribution, we design a based onB+tree and the hierarchical data allocation strategy, large-scale network storage systemdata for research of the insert query operations such as provides an optimized way.The main content of the paper is as follows:From the user perspective, although more and more web services on the demand ofbasic can meet their requirements, but for the network storage system with such acomplex environment, the optimal strategy is an urgent need to help the user to optimizethe allocation of resources, improve the users on network service QoS, which, by Pareto optimal theory, the optimization of service resource configuration, improve userpreferences for network storage system resources, also is to ensure the satisfaction ofusers to use network storage resources kept in satisfactory condition.Although Pareto optimality theory in processing on the utility balance betweenconsumers and producers have great advantage, but for processing multidimensionaldata or there is insufficient, so this article on the basis of the theory of Pareto byintroducing the particle swarm algorithm to solve the problems of multidimensionaldata, further optimize the network storage system of dynamic resource allocationproblem.Besides network storage resource allocation optimization, this paper also from thedata allocation strategy path optimization, network storage system by using B+treedata structure to deal with the file data in the network storage system, guarantee thestability of the read and write data at the same time, according to the data life cycle, tointroduce the concept of hierarchical search data, in meet the under the premise ofsystem stability, improve the rate of the system to read and write data, optimize theinsert and query path, reduces the unnecessary time, meet the needs of users on thenetwork storage system.
Keywords/Search Tags:the network storage system, Pareto theory, Particle swarm algorithm, Datahierarchy, B+tree
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