Recently, many researchers focus on the coordination control probl-em of the multi-agent systems in many areas. In section II, this paper dis-cuss linear multi-agent systems consensus problem with distributed redu-ced-order observer-based protocol under fixed and switching topology.The author first use many methods, such as Jordan decomposition, graphtheory, the Riccati equation and the Lyapunov function, to prove the pro-posed protocols can solve consensus problem under directed fixed and sw-itching topology. Then, the paper investigate the single leader-followingconsensus problem and propose a reduced-order observer-based protocolfor each following agent in section III. By using similar analysis method,the paper can prove that all following agents can track the leader. In orderto solve discrete-time dynamic consensus problem in section IV, a newalgorithm is proposed to construct the distributed reduced-order observer-based protocol under undirected switching interconnection topology,under which the discrete-time multi-agent system can achieve consensus. Finally, the given simulation examples are also show the effectiveness ofour obtained result in every section. |