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On The Path Of The Listed Local News Website

Posted on:2014-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
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After10year’s-development, Network journalism has formed a new structurecored on Central News website, hinged on Local news website, supplied by Well-knowne-commercial websites. Based on the local community and backed by the government,Local news website plays an important role in propagating mainstream values,mediating the social conditions and public opinion, and leading internet public opinionin recent years. However, when facing the rapid development of network technique andsharp market competition, current management system and operational mechanism ofLocal news website can’t meet the needs of the new situation and the new task. How tobreak through the bottleneck? Re-organizing the system and entering the market is thebest way.Represented by, Central News website has landed A-share marketsuccessfully. And local news websites as,,, and are itch for a try and seem ready to come out. Butentering the market is not so easy. Although vigorously promoted by policy, thebondage of system, the single profit-making model and competition among thee-commerce website make it even harder.The text makes some research on the only Local news website, inChongqing. The development progress and status of is reviewed in this text.And the strategic transformation of “ model” is analyzed. Combining thesuccessful experience of with, this text tries to explore how tore-organize the system, integrate the industry structure, integrate into the capital market,and liberate productive forces in the context of re-organizing the system and enteringthe market from the aspects of environment, force and the way of entering the market,so that the Local news website would grow stronger and more powerful. On the basis ofthat, this text proposes a model of entering the market which is suitable to inthis situation and forms a regular theory and operation thinking to provide reference forthe strategic transformation and systemic transformation of the Local news website.The paper is divided into5parts.The first part, Introduction focused on the topic’s background information andimportance. It summed up the research status of local news websites by literaturereview and conclusion. Meanwhile, it introduced the paper’s research idea, research method, context, innovation and deficiencies.The second part interpreted related concepts of internet media, news websites andlocal news websites. On this basis, the paper summed up the features and developmentof China’s local news websites.The third part analyzed the listing path of People’s Daily Online with data andfigures to draw inspiration from its conclusion.The fourth part, overview of CQNEWS development, reviewed the history ofCQNEWS, made in-depth research on its opportunity&challenge and advantages&disadvantages and summed up its experience in terms of system reform, mediaintegration, human talents and operation model.The fifth part analyzed the basis of CQNEWS listing and put proposal for its wayto go listing. It did research on the motive power function of local news websites’ listingprocess in terms of source power, active force and assistance power. It also didcontrastive analysis on the opportunity to go listing, business scope and listing locationby studying the particularity and current situation of local news websites. At last, it putforward proposal for the websites to go listing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Local news website,, Enter the market, Path
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