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Research Of High Voltage Electric Field Sensor Based On Modular Interference In Polarization Maintenance Fiber

Posted on:2014-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330392464262Subject:Optical Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
High-voltage electric field sensors belong to the category of high-voltage meteringequipment, which are widely employed in the detection of electric field intensity.Traditional high-voltage electric field sensors make a bad effect on the electric field beingmeasured and the measurement accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The intelligent degree oftraditional electric field sensors is so low that the cost of operation and maintenance ishigh. Therefore, a new high-voltage electric field sensor with higher degree of intelligence,good insulation and less error impact factor has a profound practical significance toelectric power industry.This paper introduces a new fiber-optic electric field sensor, which is based onmodular interference effects of Polarization Maintenance Fiber (PMF) and conversepiezoelectric effect of Lithium niobate (LiNbO3) crystal. The experimental system of theoptical electric field sensor is set up. The main contents are as follows:Firstly, the modulus interference of elliptical core PMF and converse piezoelectriceffect of LiNbO3crystal are analyzed in detail. Then, a new system of high-voltageelectric field sensors based on modulus interference theory of PMF and conversepiezoelectric theory of LiNbO3crystal is proposed. The sensing principle of system isanalyzed and the theoretical model is established.Secondly, the electric field distribution in the power line’s surface is calculated bysingle-wire method and charge simulation method. The electric field distribution inhigh-voltage power line’s surface is simulated by finite element software. Based on thesimulation results, the charge simulation method is used to calculate electric field of highvoltage power line’s surface.Thirdly, the interference characteristics of elliptical core PMF, Panda PMF andtwo-hole photonic crystal fiber (PCF) are simulated. The results show that elliptical corePMF is more suitable as optical electric field sensor.Finally, the experimental system of high-voltage electric field sensor based onmodular interference is set up. The measurement data and error analysis are discussed, which can provide valuable reference for practical design and application of high-voltageelectric field sensor.
Keywords/Search Tags:Optical electric field sensors, Polarization Maintenance Fiber, ModularInterference, Lithium niobate crystal, Converse piezoelectric effect
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