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Xinhua Bookstore College Teaching Resource Marketing Strategy Research

Posted on:2012-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330377953067Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the1990s, the country gradually liberalized college textbook market,instead of ordering and distributing by the local Xinhua bookstore branches only inplanned economy era, many new modes came out such as the direct distributionfrom Xinhua bookstore, distribution from private bookstore, and from the universitylibrary agency, etc. The college textbook business of Xinhua Bookstore faces newissues and challenges. All the local Xinhua bookstore branches (China Xinhuapublishing group) carefully analyze the situation and also take appropriate marketingsteps, trying to restore the lost market share, but do not achieve the desired results.College Textbooks business, as an important part of the whole business of Xinhuabookstore, has always been the emphasis and focus of all the local Xinhua bookstorebranches (China Xinhua publishing group) and represents the competitiveness ofXinhua bookstore. At the same time as university textbook is the physical carrier ofthe relationship among the publishers, the bookstores and the universities. As a result,it becomes the focus point of the experts and scholars in different fields. In foreigncountries, the development of research and practice for college textbook aresimultaneous. The research focuses on direct sales of the University bookstores andpublishing house, but does not involve state-owned bookstore textbook distributionand marketing level. The domestic scholars do research on the college textbook fromdifferent angles, focusing on traditional marketing, the management level andintroduction of real foreign cases. However, very few scholars do research, from theperspective of the Xinhua bookstore, on the operation of the marketing mode whichuses the value of college textbook resource and whether it could be applied inpractice.This paper, from the perspective of resource, re-examines the issue on collegetextbook business of Xinhua bookstore, also, the property of the college textbookresource is analyzed, According to the analysis of college textbook publishing environment and current issues for China’s Xinhua Bookstore, it is considered that acollege textbook has resource value and could be a resource for marketing.Combining resources from the concept of marketing, this paper proposes appropriatestrategies, from angles of brands resources for training, integration of upstreamlibrary resources and downstream development of client resources, upstream anddownstream resources matching.This paper, based on a comprehensive analysis of the extensive literature, plansto explore the theory and practice in different methods such as literature researchmethods to be taken, lessons learned law, comparative analysis, andmultidisciplinary analysis method and so on. The Paper is composed of six chapters.Chapter1(introduction) introduces the purpose of this study, significance and maintechnical route. Chapter2summarizes the related theory. Chapter3(collegetextbooks environmental analysis and current problems) analyzes the China’s XinhuaBookstore college textbook issuing environment and comes to current collegetextbook issuing situation and problems. Chapter4(the proposal of college textbookresources marketing for Xinhua bookstore) defines and classifies the resource ofXinhua bookstore college textbook based on the college textbook property. Chapter5(analysis of the Xinhua Bookstore college textbook resource) analyzes the XinhuaBookstore college textbook resource. Chapter6(marketing strategies of Xinhuabookstore college textbook resource) analyzes the college textbook resource fromangels of literature research methods to be taken, lessons learned law, comparativeanalysis, multidisciplinary analysis method and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinhua bookstore, college teaching, resource marketing
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