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The Instruction Of Quadratic Function From The Perspective Of Embodied Cognition

Posted on:2015-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428999672Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Quadratic function" is an important component of the function, and it is one of thedifficult and important points in the mathematical instruction of junior high school. Theembodied cognition theory emphasizes the vital function of concrete experience. In thispaper, the problems existing in the teaching process of "quadratic function" are researchedfrom the perspective of embodied cognition. Based on the analysis, the auther constructedthe instructional strategy and made the teaching designs.The difficult points of the every teaching stage of "quadratic function" aresummarized from available literatures and a survey on in–service mathematics teachers.The cause of the difficulty comes from three aspects:the difficulty of the functionknowledge; the limitation of the levels of students’ cognition and the inappropriateteaching methods.The difficult points can be broken through by identifying the source domain and thetarget domain and then establishing mappings between them. According to the analysis ofthe cause, the instructional strategy of the "quadratic function" is constructed from theperspective of embodied cognition, and the teaching designs for three classes are made.Finally, some suggestions for teaching, learning and the compiling of teachers’ booksare offered: firstly, teachers may insight into students’ experience and cognition level, thenguide the students to integrate the old and new knowledge; secondly, students may usedaily experience to understand the mathematics knowledge and review the knowledgetimely, learn to find the link between the old and the new; thirdly, it may construct ateaching model that based on the embodied cognition theory through the compiling ofteachers’ books.
Keywords/Search Tags:Embodied cognition, Quadratic function, Teaching designs
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